Download Ozeki SMS Gateway

You can download the latest version of Ozeki SMS Gateway by clicking on the link below. After download, you need to unzip it and run the installer in the zip package.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.63
Updated: 2025.02.17.

  1. New feature (AI): This version allows you to use AI models

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.62
Updated: 2025.02.10.

  1. New feature: At sign configuration option for SMPP client connections

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.59
Updated: 2024.12.10.

  1. Improvement: Improvements in the address book

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.58
Updated: 2024.11.19.

  1. Improvement (SMPP connections): When the protocol implementation detects an invalid SMPP PDU, it will break and restart the connection to ensure operational reliability.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.57
Updated: 2024.10.08.

  1. Bug fix (HTTP REST client): In the version the error what prevent the HTTP REST client to not accept more then one messages is fixed

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.52
Updated: 2024.09.12.

  1. Improvement: Message sending resumes after connection errors.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.49
Updated: 2024.09.05.

  1. Improvement (Chat integration): The Ozeki Chat to SMS Gateway interface has been improved. Now you can send chat messages to mobile phones from the Ozeki SMS Gateway GUI or from a database connection or through HTTP requests. You can use this option with the Ozeki Chat server operated by Ozeki or you can setup your own chat server at your own premises. Chat messages can be delivered to mobile phones free of charge. The only criteria is that the Ozeki App needs to be installed on the mobile. The Ozeki Chat app is available for Android in the Google Play store, for iPhone in the Apple app store and you can download it directly to Windows and Mac desktops from the Ozeki Chat website. More information is available at Configuration instructions can be found here: Ozeki chat - Ozeki SMS Gateway integration

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.48
Updated: 2024.08.27.

  1. Improvement (Ozeki Chat Integration): The Ozeki Chat - Ozeki SMS Gateway integration was improved.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.47
Updated: 2024.08.21.

  1. Imrovement (HTTP client): The HTTP client connection displayed an error, when an SMS was sent to a website. This error is fixed.
  2. Bug fix (Android QR): The QR code configuration tab did not preserve the configuration. The QR code disappeared after some time. This issue is resolved.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.46
Updated: 2024.08.06.

  1. Improvement: The LDAP/Active directory support has been improved. SMS Sender ID that were loaded from the Active directory can contain spaces in this version.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.45
Updated: 2024.08.01.

  1. Improvement (Android support): A new connection was added called Android QR. This connection allows you to attach an android mobile phone to Ozeki SMS Gateway by simply scanning a QR code. You can use this Android mobile to send and receive SMS messages from your system.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.44
Updated: 2024.07.08.

  1. New feature (Chat account): This software allows you to setup a chat account to send text messages and push notification free of charge to mobile deivces that have Ozeki Chat installed.
  2. New feature (Android QR): Android mobile phones can be connected to the SMS Gateway as SMS modems by scanning a QR code.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.38

  1. New feature (QR code): Android mobile phones can be connected to the SMS gateway by scanning a QR code. This feature allows Android mobile phones located in any country to connect to a centeral Ozeki SMS Gateway through the Internet to establish local phone number and local SMS delivery capability.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.37

  1. Improvement (Management console): The routing table display is improved. Very long route names are now displayed properly.
  2. Improvement (SMPP connection): The reliability of the SMPP connection is improved. If the mobile network provider goes offline frequently, or if their service does not acknowledge SMS message submissions reliably, the Ozeki software will try to handle the situations. Various algorithms were put in place to work with unreliable sms service provider connections as best as possible.
  3. Improvement (Outbox management): If the SMPP link, or other SMS network connection is unreliable, the SMS messages are kept in the outbox, and wait for delivery. In previous versions, if no SMS delivery option was available, messages were reported as not sent.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.35

  1. New feature (Delivery success): A delivery success system was introduced that will resubmit failed sms messages from the not sent folder.
  2. New feature (SMS export): sms folders can be exported in various formats: csv, xlsx, json, sql, txt
  3. Improvement (SMPP windowing): The window size management for multipart sms messages is improved

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.30

  1. Improvement (SMS Messenger): SMS Messenger app Excel date format handling improved
  2. Improvement (SMS Gateway): Ozeki SMS Gateway now runs in 64-bit mode

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.26

  1. Bug fix (White labeling): Logo image replace fix on the saved users login form

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.25

  1. New feature (Login session): Login session timeout can be configured in the Control panel. After the session timeout expires, inactive users will automatically be logged out.
  2. New feature (Save password): The save user passwords feature can be disabled in the Control panel
  3. Improvement (API): The http rest api for sms sending has been improved
  4. Improvement (White labeling): The logo image an be replaced on the login form, and the toolbar image can be replacd.
  5. Improvement (Title bar): The IP address of the system is not displayed in the app title bars
  6. Improvement (Login form): The IP address of the system is not dispayed on the saved users form

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.24

  1. New feature (White labeling): Starting from this version you can change the product name to display your own brand name in the Ozeki 10 login form. To use this feature you will have to install the Ozeki White Label app along side with Ozeki SMS Gateway. By installing the Ozeki White Label app, you will also be able to customize the start menu, the desktop and the about page of each app in the Ozeki 10 system. The white label app can be downloaded from:
  2. Improvement (Login form): The system URL is removed from the login form

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.22

  1. Improvement (SMTP server): The built in SMTP server got a new option, that allows the user to control how to use phone numbers in the e-mail messages. This option is useful for e-mail to sms gateway configurations. In these setups the e-mail contains a phone number either in the "To" address or in the e-mail subject line. With the new option you can select where the phone number is, and whether you wish to convert it to international format by adding a + sign to the front of it. More information about this new feature is available at:

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.21

  1. Improvement (LDAP): If you authenticate users using LDAP/Microsoft Active Directory, you can use the telephoneNumber property of the Active Directory user (or Active Directory group) as the Sender ID field for outgoing SMS messages. In short if you set the telphoneNumber in the Active Directory it will be used as the SMS Sender ID.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.19

  1. Improvement (LDAP): The LDAP authentication provider was improved to support group based authentication. This allows you to setup Microsoft Active Directory Groups to allow SMS messaging through the Ozeki GUI. More information is available at:

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.18

  1. New feature (SMS alerts): SMS network connections can be monitored and SMS messages can be sent when the monitored connection goes down
  2. New feature (E-mail alerts): SMS network connections can be monitored and E-mail messages can be sent when the monitored connection goes down
  3. New feature (WhatsApp alerts): SMS network connections can be monitored and WhatsApp messages can be sent when the monitored connection goes down

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway 10.4.16

  1. New feature (Traffic report export): The database reporting / charts features was improved to allow data export in .csv format. This means, that the SMS traffic report generated by Ozeki SMS Gateway can easily be downloaded and used in other software.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.15

  1. New feature (User reporting): SMS Messenger users get an option to view traffic reports on bar charts, pie charts and tables. (The database reporting feature in the SMS Gateway needs to be configured to enable this functionality.)
  2. Improvement (MySQL): The MySQL drivers were updated to allow new character sets and to be compatible with the latest and future versions of MySQL

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.4.13

  1. Improvement (Reporting): Graphical reports containing charts can be generated to view traffic. More information about this feature can be found at:

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.208

  1. Improvement (SMPP client): The message segmentation was improved to work around invalid Message Length error returned by some SMPP service providers.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.206

  1. Improvement (SMS modem): The name of the registered mobile network operator is displayed and the mobile network signal strenght is displayed for SMS modem connections.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.204

  1. Improvement (SMS modem support): 4G and 5G SMS modem support is added to the system
  2. Improvement (SMS modem speed): Modem communication speed and SMS delivery speed accross all modems are improved
  3. Improvement (SMS character encoding): SMS character encoding on GSM modem links is improved

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.201

  1. New feature (WhatsApp): The system now offers connection to WhatsApp. You can send and receive WhatsApp messages.
  2. New feature (SMS messenger): The SMS messenger GUI was significantly improved. On the new GUI SMS campaigns can be imported from Microsoft Excel Shet
  3. New feature (SMS delays): It is possible to send out SMS campaigns with delays between each SMS. This is great if you expect people to call you back. For example if you send out a text every 2 minutes the incoming phone calls will not overwhelm your call center.
  4. New feature (Silent SMS support): You can now send SMS messages that are not dislayed or saved on mobile devices. This technology is also called as ping sms, stealth sms or silent sms. The recipient of a silent SMS will not notice that he received a text. However a delivery report is returned to the sender. This is a great tool to monitor the on-line connectivity of IoT devices without interfearing with their standard operation.
  5. Improvement (SMS marketing integration): Integration with the Ozeki SMS marketing system available at platform was added
  6. Bug fix (Memory managment): A memory leak was found and fixed.
  7. Bug fix (SMS routing): On some systems the SMS routing failed after a certain amount of time in high message load environments. This problem was caused by a synchrnoization issue between threads. It happend on powerful CPUs that executed many threads simultaneously.
  8. Bug fix (SMS folders): Moving messages to the inbox was not possible in the message folder view. This bug is fixed
  9. Bug fix (Ozeki alarm): A compatibliity issue in the Ozeki Alarm system was fixed, that caused it to not work with newer SMS gateways

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.200

  1. Improvement (Authentication): The HTTP API was improved to offer 3rd party authentication. This allows you to use Microsoft Active directory, LDAP, Radius users or users stored in SQL servers, such as Microsoft SQL Server.
  2. Improvement (Customer portal): The customer portal user authentication can be configured to use the Ozeki 10 user authentication providers

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.197

  1. New feature (Scheduled jobs): The HTTP API scheduled job functionality now offers cleanup
  2. Improvement (SMPP Server): The unicode character encoding of the built in SMPP server is improved

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.196

  1. Improvement (SMPP Client): The SMS character encoding in the SMPP client is improved. A new feature was added that allows you to use GSM 7 bit character codes in ISO 8859-1 messages. The setting can be enabled in the configuration form of the SMPP client in the SMS tab / User Data field. This new feature works for both incoming and outgoing SMS messages.
  2. Improvement (HTTP API): The HTTP API DTD definitions are updated in the XML response to API calls. The new DTD-s are served from the SMS Gateway, not by This helps SMS systems behind firewalls that could not connect to for the DTD definitions because of their firewall rules.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.194

  1. Improvement (HTTP API): The message ID returned in HTTP API responses are synchronized to the message ID used in SQL reporting
  2. Improvement (Delivery report matching): Logging is implemented for delivery report matching. You can enable it in the Edit/Server preferences menu. If this logging is enabled all delivery report mathing events can be tracked.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.193

  1. New feature (Delivery report matching): The a new form was added to the server preferences, that allow you to configure the delivery report matching policy. This allows you to select the appropriate delivery report storage architecture for your environment. Standard lists, B-Tree, Non-cached file storage can be selected.
  2. Improvement (Memory consumption): The memory consumption of the software is optimized to work with lower memory requirement.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.189

  1. New feature (Text to speech): The SMS Gateway can read out SMS messages on the PC speaker.
  2. New feature (Play sound): The SMS Gateway can play a beep sound on the PC speaker if an SMS messages is sent or received (depending on configuration).
  3. New feature (Play audio file): The SMS Gateway can play an audio file (e.g.: mp3, wav, etc) on the PC speaker if an SMS messages is sent or received.
  4. Improvement (SMS delivery report matching): The SMS delivery report matching engine has been improved

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.186

  1. Improvement (Boot time): The startup sequence was improved to offer faster load times
  2. Improvement (Bulk messenger): The Bulk messenger has been improved to allow simultaneus job execution
  3. Improvement (Bind limits): The number of allowed simultatnous TCP/IP links per user can be limited on SMPP connections. This feature is useful for SMPP service providers
  4. Improvement (SMS connecttions): The type selection for SMS connections became better. New SMS service providers were added and the presentation of them was improved to find the appropriate SMS connection type easier.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.183

  1. New feature (Android SMS Logging): The communication with the Android SMS client is now logged fully. This allows better system management.
  2. Improvement (REST): The segmentation and reassembly (SAR) protocol layer was removed from the REST SMS clients. This layer was never used, since these SMS service providers perform this functionlity.
  3. Improvement (MADAPI): Small improvements and optimizations were done on the MADAPI SMS client

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.179

  1. New feature (HTTP API): The HTTP API response can be configured to include the DTD header.
  2. Improvement (Security): Some security updates have been implemented.
  3. Improvement (Android): Commincation with the Android SMS client became more efficient.
  4. Bug fix (VoIP): The VoIP instant messaging was not working properly on all devices. This poblem has been fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.175

  1. Improvement (Http client): The HTTP SMS client has been improved to support Africell

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.174

  1. New feature (Sunrise): A service provider connection was added to the SMS gateway to support Sunrise Switzerland

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.173

  1. Improvement (SMPP/Security): The TLS version can be configured for this connection type.
  2. Improvement (UCP/Security): The TLS version can be configured for this connection type.
  3. Improvement (CIMD2/Security): The TLS version can be configured for this connection type.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.172

  1. Improvement (UCP): Improvement in the UCP protocol stack to support the requirements of Hungarian Telecom

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.171

  1. Improvement (UCP): Improvement in the UCP protocol stack to support the requirements of Hungarian Telecom

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.166

  1. Improvement (Database reporting): The database reporting feature has been improved to provide longer timeouts for slow database connections
  2. Improvement (Oracle): The database messaging feature has been improved to allow automatic database connection reestablishment in case of broken database links. This is especially important for Oracle databases.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.163

  1. Improvement (Chat protocol): A new chat protocol was introduced in this version. This protocol uses JSON/HTTP REST requests to communicate with the chat server, and can be supported by web based apis and mobile clients

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.161

  1. New feature (Message scheduler): A new app is added to the system, that allows you to setup scheduled messages. You can define a calendor of holidays, business days/etc, and use working hours, and period events to setup your scheduled messaging jobs
  2. Improvement (Log system): New connections are logging to the correct locations. Log files are removed after connection uninstallation. Several bugs and performance enhancements have been done in the logging system
  3. Improvement (Chat system): The chat subsystem is improved to offer JSON/REST API access

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.159

  1. Bug fix (Character encoding): A character encoding issue was fixed. It was effecting unicode characters on SMPP links

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.158

  1. Improvement (SMS): The Sender ID can be adjusted in the Autoreply system
  2. Improvement (Chat client): The chat client can connect to multiple servers

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.156

  1. Bug fix (.NET dependency): The .NET dependency check was removed from the installer

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.155

  1. Improvement (Autoreply): The Autoreply capability of the software has been improved. The Autoreply Easy and the standard Autoreply connection allows you to decide whether you wish to send reply messages through the same connection directly or through the routing table.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.154

  1. Improvement (HTTP API): The HTTP API performance has been improved and several bugs were fixed
  2. Improvement (P2P): The P2P messaging capabilities were improved

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.141

  1. Improvement (GUI): The graphical user interface was improved to provide better response times.
  2. Improvement (SQL SMS): The SQL console of the SQL to SMS connection is improved to track configuration changes in the database connections

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.140

  1. Improvement (SMS Database): The database messaging feature has been improved. The sender and recipient phone numbers of SMS messages are stripped from special characters. For example phone numbers in the form +441234567@% are now inserted as +441234567.
  2. Improvement (SMS Database): Four new keywords can bed used in the SQL templates for both incoming and outgoing SMS messages: $fromconnection, $fromaddress, $toconnection and $toaddress. For example in SMS messaging the $fromconnection and $twoconnection contains the names of the SMS service providers used to send and receive the SMS. The $fromaddress and $toaddress contain the sender and recipient phone numbers. This new feature can be used to have more information about each message.
  3. Improvement (Cache): The client side caching of JavaScripts serving the graphical user interface (GUI), has often led to problems. This cache mechanism is improved, to make sure, that always the latest Javascripts are used in the browsers.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.135

  1. Improvement (HTTP API): The HTTP API SMS encoding is improved in this version. The SMS Gateway corrects characters coming in HTTP GET and post requests to match the corresponding SMS alphabet.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.131

  1. Improvement (Oracle): The Oracle database capability was improved to handle columns with large data sizes.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.130

  1. New feature (SMPP): The address range parameter of SMPP bind requests can be adjusted independently of the primary phone number of the connection
  2. New feature (Autoreply): Messages going through the autoreply look can now ask for delivery reports
  3. Improvement (Security): Security updates were implemented.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.123

  1. Improvement (SSL certificates): The SSL certificates have been updated, because of expired dates
  2. Improvement (GUI components): The performance of some GUI elements were improved
  3. Bug fix (Minor bugfixes): Several smaller bugs were fixed

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.122

  1. New feature (Text to speech): The robot developer app got text to speech capabilities
  2. New feature (Safe logging): You can configure the system to hide phone numbers and message text in the logs.
  3. Improvement (Uninstall button): The uninstall button was removed in the sms messenger app for standard users.
  4. Improvement (Android): The SSL key management on Android phones are improved
  5. Improvement (Android): Unnecessary permission requests are removed on Android
  6. Improvement (Database messaging): The sms from database feature is improved. The logging is better.
  7. Improvement (Service list): The advanced/services form of the SMS gateway displays more information now.
  8. Bug fix (Database messaging): Periodic folder cleanup did not work for SQL messaging. It is fixed.
  9. Bug fix (Http user): Periodic folder cleanup did not work for the HTTP user. It is fixed.
  10. Bug fix (Http user): The XML response could not handle XML specific characters, such as tags and quotes. It is working now.
  11. Bug fix (Browser cache): On mac laptops, the browser cache management had a problem, that needed a workaround. Some user pages were loaded from cache instead of the sms software.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.120

  1. Improvement (Compatibility): This version has several compatibility improvements with older Ozeki versions
  2. Bug fix (Datbase ID): A bug was fixed in the SQL reporting related to database IDs

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.118

  1. Bug fix (Vresion compatibility): The previous version had a compatibility issue with older versions. This is fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.116

  1. New feature (HTTP REST API / message download): The json based http rest api got a new command, that allows you to download sms messages from the inbox of a particular user
  2. New feature (HTTP REST API / message delete): The json based http rest api got a new command, that allows you to delete sms messages from the inbox of a particular user

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.112

  1. Improvement (Ozeki REST API): Multiple message submission is now possible with one request
  2. Improvement (Date format): A better date format is used

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.111

  1. New feature (Ozeki REST API): The SMS subsystem was extended with a new HTTP API. This API allows you to send SMS messages with JSON encoded HTTP post requests. The old HTTP API is still in place, and we have no plans to discard it. Both APIs, the HTTP GET/xml based API and the HTTP POST/Json API will be supported long term
  2. New feature (HLR lookups): The SMS gateway can be configured to do HLR lookups for each SMS before it is sent. The HLR information can be used in routing and can be stored in the reporting database. More information is available in the how to do HLR lookups guide/li>
  3. Improvement (Logging): Some unneccessary log messages have been removed.
  4. Improvement (HTTP SMS API server side): Ozeki SMS Gateway is now able to accept HTTP requests in formats for various SMS service providers. If you are not happy with your current SMS service provider, and you wish to switch to Ozeki, you can do that without having to rewrite your code.You simply have to point to your Ozeki SMS Gateway HTTP API url. You can switch from Twilio, Infobip, Clicksend, Clickatell, Messagebird, Sinch, Telnyx, Vonage to Ozeki with ease.
  5. Bug fix (Memory leak): A memory leak has been fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.110

  1. New feature (HTTP Rest client): A customizable HTTP REST sms api connection is added. To support custom JSON and native HTTP SMS client connections
  2. New feature (Sinch): A new sms service provider connection was added to allow direct connection to Sinch
  3. New feature (Clickatel): A new sms service provider connection was added to allow direct connection to Clickatel
  4. New feature (Vonage): A new sms service provider connection was added to allow direct connection to Vonage
  5. New feature (Infobip): A new sms service provider connection was added to allow direct connection to Infobip
  6. New feature (Clicksend): A new sms service provider connection was added to allow direct connection to Infobip
  7. Improvement (Email to sms): The email to sms and sms to email features are improved, to support SMS addresses in the email subject line
  8. Improvement (Android SMS): The android permission settings are improved. The software runs with a smaller number of permissions.
  9. Bug fix (C# formula modifier): You can modify SMS messages with a C# algorithm. The C# algorithm can be added to a route in the routing table.
  10. Bug fix (SMS encryption): You can encrypt/decrypt sms messages with a pre shared key in the routing table. This feature had a bug, that is fixed.
  11. Bug fix (Android file manager): The Ozeki file manager on Android was not working properly. It is fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.109

  1. Improvement (E-mail to SMS): Goggle mail support is improved
  2. Improvement (Text file user): The text file to sms feature did not request delivery report by default. This is fixed.
  3. Bug fix (GSM modem): The deliery report handling in the GSM modem had a bug, that was fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.107

  1. New feature (HTTP REST API client): A new connection is created to send messages over HTTP REST API services. This connection can encode a message in JSON according to various specifiations. It makes it possible to post SMS messages as JSON requests to almost any HTTP REST API SMS service. User authentication (api keys, usernames, passwords, etc) can be included as JSON variables, or they can be put into the HTTP request header. This in excellent implementation.
  2. New feature (HTTP REST API service): You can provide an HTTP REST API sms service to your users. The HTTP API of Ozeki 10 SMS gateway way improved to accept REST API requests. The users can encode their messages in JSON and post it to the built in Ozeki HTTP server. The Ozeki HTTP REST API is compatible with the request format of many SMS service providers, so switching to Ozeki from an existing service is very easy.
  3. New feature (Twillio client): A new service provider connection was added to make it easy to connect to the Twillio SMS service
  4. New feature (Telnyx client): A new service provider connection was added to make it easy to connect to the Telnyx SMS service
  5. Bug fix (GSM modem): The GSM modem could not receive multipart SMS messags properly due to an error. This bug is fixed.
  6. Bug fix (Android version): The logging on the SMS connections in the Android SMS Gateway was improved.
  7. Bug fix (POP3): The POP3 client and server was reviewed and some bugs were fixed. A disconnect/reconnect issue that was due to special characters in the username was fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.105

  1. New feature (Credit limits): A new feature was added, that allows you to set one time or daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly credit limits for connections
  2. Improvement (HTTP API): The HTTP API was reviewed and several bugs were fixed
  3. Improvement (Android release): Tha android version has been improved.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.104

  1. Improvement (Android): Overall iomprovements and bugfixes in the Android version

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.102

  1. New feature (Android): The first version of Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway for Android is released
  2. Improvement (HTTP API): The HTTP API evaluates URL templates better

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.100

  1. Improvement (HTTP API): The HTTP API compatibilitiy with previous versions have been improved
  2. Bug fix (Database reporting): The database reporting details page did not work properly. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.99

  1. New feature (Android): The Ozeki SMS Gateway is now available for Android phones. It supports dual sim devices as well.
  2. Improvement (SMS): The delivery report matching has been improved.
  3. Improvement (Composer): The message composer form remembers the last phone number
  4. Bug fix (Message validity): The message validity period takes into account the scheduled date
  5. Bug fix (HTTP API): If multiple messages were sent on the HTTP API, the XML response was invalid. This is fixed.
  6. Compatibility (HTTP API): The HTTP API was improved to make it compatible with Ozeki NG SMS Gateway

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.97

  1. New feature (Uninstall button): Uninstall buttons were added to the connections, to make uninstallation easier
  2. Improvement (GUI): The MPM label is improved to provide accurate measurement for slow connections.
  3. Improvement (Ozeki Account): The Ozeki Account security has been improved
  4. Improvement (SMPP): The submit reference matching is improved. Delviery reports are metched with upper, lower and mixed case submit reference strings.
  5. Improvement (SQL persistence): The sql query evaluation is improved to provide more protection from SQL injection threats.
  6. Bug fix (Addrebook): The address book import feature had a bug, that prevented phone numbers being imported. This bug is fixed.
  7. Bug fix (GUI): The browsre cache prevented the update of the configuration form in some cases. A workaround was put in place to handle this issue

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.95

  1. Bug fix (SMS): The configuration forms did not preserve some values. This bug is fixed.
  2. Bug fix (Chat): A bug could cause a message loop. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.91

  1. Improvement (SMS): The realease is dedicated to performance improvement for high capacity SMS systems (300MPS+). The delivery speed of status reports and inbound messages is greatly improved. You will not see large queues built up for incoming messages and status reports in this version. Previous versions were optimized for outbound message performance, this version is optimized for both directions.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.90

  1. New feature (Context menu): The context menu was improved, to support file open with the right click
  2. Improvement (Addressing): There was an inconsistency in the addressing scheme. In a message therere are 3 types of addresses: station ID, connection ID, address. The station ID referes to the computer where the messages is coming from. The connection ID contains the name of the connection, for example SMPPlink1, the address contains the actual address, eg. +36123467. The inconsistency happened when the address field was empty. In this case, in some parts of the code the connection ID was inserted in place of the address, in other situations it was left empty. This inconsistency is resolved. The connection ID is NOT inserted into the address fieled if it is left empty. If you did not configure a default address for a connection (e.g. a default phone number in the SMPP link), make sure you have one configured now.
  3. Bug fix (Route link): The route name link did not work properly. It pointed to an invalid URL. It is fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.82

  1. New feature (Chat server): The chat server has been improved. The store and forward capability is much faster now.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.78

  1. Improvement (Chat): The chat client has been improved to support forms and HTML content.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.75

  1. New feature (SMTP server): The built in SMTP server now support SSL. Two methods can be used: STARTTLS and SSL / TLS.
  2. New feature (SMTP server): A new authentication method was added to the SMTP server. It can authenticate clients with a username present in the E-mail header. A special e-mail header field was introduced called x-ozeki-auth. And username and password can be provided in the following format: x-ozeki-auth: user; password
  3. Improvement (IMAP server): Microsoft Outlook support is added to the built in IMAP server. Outlook uses some non-standard parameters which are now supported in Ozeki
  4. Bug fix (Chat): The chat client displayed duplicate messages on some slow systems. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.73

  1. New feature (SQL reporting): SQL reporting used by SMS service providers is improved. A new tabpage was added to the SQL console (check the bottom), that allows manual modification of SQL templates used for querying the database.
  2. Improvement (Licensing): The product activation system removes trial license codes automaticall if active codes are enterd
  3. Improvement (Keepalive): The keepalive algorithm now monitors network traffic. It will only send out keepalive requests if there is no traffic for a configured amount of time on the link. This improves connection speeds on high capacity IP SMS links, because no keepalive traffic is generated under heavy loads.
  4. Improvement (SMS submit timeout): The submit timeout value of IP SMS connections have been increased from 10 seconds to 25 seconds. The change was applied to support providers accessed through very slow connections and to support providers who provide a slow service.
  5. Bug fix (Reporting database): The reporting database configuration form did not allow the password to be changed. If you have updated the password, it still tried to connect with the old. This bug is fixed.
  6. Bug fix (SMS outbox): In some routing configurations SMS messages could get stuck in the outbox of users. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.72

  1. Improvement (Cleanup policy): On the configuration form of each connection, the Advanced/Cleanup groupbox got a new entry called cleanup policy. If you do not want to remove sent messages automatically from the system, you can change the cleanup policy here to keep these messages. This option is automatically enabled for standard users and HTTP API users.
  2. Improvement (HTTP API user): In the previous version, if you wanted to login on the GUI with an HTTP API user, you had to assign GUI Access power to it and you had to put the user to the system users group. In this version this configuration is automaticall performed for HTTP API users.
  3. Bug fix (Upgrade): When upgrading from previous versions, some connections could be lost. For example the HTTP user accounts were not loaded in after upgrade. If you upgrade your system with this version, such configuration will not be lost.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.70

  1. New feature (Access): Microsoft Access support is added to make it easy to send/receive chat messages and sms messages from Access database tables.
  2. New feature (Excel): The HTTP API was improved to support Microsoft Excel. Now Micrsoft Excel can be used to send chat messages and sms messages. This feature is loved by office users, because they like to create excel spreadsheats with a list of phone numbers and messages texts. Now they can send message directly from Excel with the click of a button.
  3. Improvement (SMPP client): The delivery report matching feature of the SMPP client has been improved. In case the SMPP service provider returns the submit reference in lower case hex digits, and after this it returns the delivery report reference as an integer, the delivery report will be matched. (In the previous version we expected upper case hex representation. This version handles both: upper case and lower case)
  4. Improvement (Chat GUI): The chat GUI had some cosmetic improvements to make it look nicer
  5. Compatiblity (HTTP API): The compatibility of the HTTP API is improved to support HTTP clients developed to operate with Ozeki NG SMS Gateway.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.67

  1. New feature (Logs): Daily log rotation is introduced to save disk space
  2. New feature (SQL to chat): Chat messages can be sent from SQL databases
  3. New feature (HTTP to chat): Chat messages can be sent using HTTP requests
  4. Improvement (Logs): The log file names are updated to make them free of spaces and special characters
  5. Improvement (Control panel): The help section of the control panel app is improved

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.65

  1. Improvement (P2Pl): The P2P network connection setup is improvied
  2. Improvement (Routing): The advanced page of the routing match conditions did not make it possible to install new custom conditions. This issue is resolved. Now you can install and configure custom matching conditions
  3. Bug fix (Routing GUI): The text matching routing rule GUI did not provide correct examples for matching patterns. The examples are corrected.
  4. Bug fix (UCP connection GUI): The GUI had two configuration tabs. Now there is only one.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.63

  1. Improvement (P2P stack): The link setup between chat clients and the server discovery was improved.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.54

  1. New feature (Installer): A new dialog window is created to help you follow the progress of the installation from the app store
  2. Improvement (Installer): The ozeki store / installer feature now downloads all components before it starts the installation. The previous version did the two steps simultaneously, which could lead to errors in case of instable network environments.
  3. Improvement (P2P): The chat network link setup functionality is improved.
  4. Improvement (P2P): The chat server is improved. It allows simultaneous connections from multiple (e.g.: LAN and WAN ip-s).
  5. Improvement (Keepalive): The keepalive/automatic reconnect functionality is more intelligent in messaging connections, such as SMPP
  6. Bug fix (SMTP): The built in E-mail server (SMTP) had a bug, that prevented it to accept some e-mails. This bug is fixed.
  7. Bug fix (SMPP): The password box of the SMPP client did not work porperly. It is fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.52

  1. Improvement (Security): The login form security is improved
  2. Improvement (Security): Remote chat clients are not allowed to commicate with local connections unless explicit permission is granted
  3. Improvement (Security): Chat users are only allowed to login on the local computer
  4. Improvement (Security): Friendships are not established automatically in the chat client
  5. Improvement (Security): Tunnels used for voice calls are not enabled by default
  6. Improvement (Ozeki account): The Ozeki Account app allows you to edit your security details, such as login e-mail, password, etc.
  7. Improvement (UDP): The UDP link management for all services based on UDP/IP is improved
  8. Bug fix (Keepalive): The automatic reconnect of lost network connections feature had a bug, that prevented the reconnection in some cases
  9. Bug fix (Imap): The Imap client had a bug, that is fixed.
  10. Bug fix (Database): The SQL query building had a bug, that is fixed. This prevented some SMS messages to be saved into the database. (Happened very rarely, but it had to be fixed)

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.50

  1. New feature (Unified version numbers): The version numbers are synchronized accross Ozeki products, to help compatibility when multiple products are installed on the same computer. This is why you see a big jump in the versioning of some products.
  2. New feature (IMAP): We have implemented the IMAP client protocol. Now you can connect your system to e-mail servers through IMAP (both plain and SSL connections are supported). This allows you to create great e-mail gateway setups, such ash e-mail to chat or e-mail to SMS.
  3. New feature (SMS to Chat): If you install the Ozeki Chat server and the Ozeki SMS Gateway apps, you can chat with mobile phones in SMS. This gives the same experience you would get in a standard chat application.
  4. New feature (Email to Chat): If you install the Ozeki Chat server and the configure an IMAP or POP3 client connection, you can chat with e-mail contacts, as you would chat in a standard chat application
  5. Improvement (Chat): The chat transport now supports both UDP and TCP connections
  6. Bug fix (HTTP API): The HTTP API did not work because of an obfuscation error. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.48

  1. Bug fix (Friendship delete): If a P2P friendship was deleted, the information was not transfered to all clients. This bug is fixed.
  2. Bug fix (File transfer): The P2P file transfer for encrypted connections had a bug, that is fixed now.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.47

  1. New feature (SMPP user): On the SMPP user s config form, in the Advanced tab page in the delivery report group box you can select Hex formatted submit reporting. If you enable this option, the SMS submit reports returned to incoming SMS messages to your SMPP customers, will be in Hex format. Note that the delivery reports will contain the format as Integer numbers.
  2. Improvement (Delivery reports): Some SMPP providers return the submit reference in Hex format and the reference in the delivery report is sent by them in int format. Our previous SMS gateway, Ozeki NG SMS Gateway were able to handle this setup, it could match delivery reports in this case. This functionality was added to the SMPP client connections in Ozeki 10. If you use SMPP SMS connections in this product, and you experienced problems with delivery reports, this fix will solve the problem.
  3. Improvement (Password form): The appearance of the password change form is improved
  4. Bug fix (Memory leak): Another memory leak was discovered, that could impact long term operations. This is fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.42

  1. New feature (Automatic updates): Automatic updates are available from this version on.
  2. New feature (Chat): If P2P communication is used availabilty of remote parties are handled more efficiently
  3. Improvement (Logging): The overall quality of log entries have been improved. Several meaningless leg entries were removed from the logging system.
  4. Improvement (Text to speech): The text to speech capability is improved. Now individual browsers and browser tab pages can be address to read out text.
  5. Improvement (Database reporting): The reporting system (e.g. reporting database) is not recording suplementary messages.
  6. Bug fix (Memory): A memory leak was discovered. It is fixed.
  7. Bug fix (Stability): An unexpected exception could occur during heavy network, that could cause the Ozeki service to stop unexpectedly. This bug is fixed.
  8. Bug fix (GUI): In cases of parallel GUI access some GUI components were duplicated on the screen. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki SMS Gateway v10.3.36

  1. New feature (Installer): The Ozeki installer that allows easy updates are included in this package.
  2. New feature (P2P): The P2P file exchange feature is improved.
  3. Bug fix (Stability): The service could stop unexpectadly in previous version. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.31

  1. Improvement (Diagnostic): The system has been moved to different product to save resources.
  2. Bug fix: (Memory leek bug has been fixed.)
  3. Bug fix: (The messages could get stuck in the outbox folder. This bug is fixed.)
  4. Bug fix: (User interface bugs has been fixed.)

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.29

  1. Improvement (Message throughput performance is improved.)

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.28

  1. Improvement (Message throughput performance improvement.)

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.24

  1. Improvement (Message throughput performance improvement.)

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.23

  1. New feature (MS SQL Fast): A new reporting module is added, called MS SQL Fast. This module supports database reporting for high capacity systems. It is using MS SQL. It uses a more compact database layout, with short column names, and shorter datatypes. It also relies on a smaller number of queries than our tradition SQL reporting engine.
  2. Improvement (Performance): The overall message throughput performance is improved.
  3. Improvement (Delivery reporting): The delivery report management is much faster.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.22

  1. New feature (Loopback connection): The loopback connection can be used to turn around messages and return them to the system as if they were incoming messages.
  2. New feature (OZX connection): The OZX protocol can be used for SMS. It is implementation currently offers 10 times faster performance than the SMPP implementation. It is optimized for low network bandwidth consumption, enconding and decoding and delivery report handling.
  3. Bug fix (SMPP connection): The SMPP connection could fail in some cases. The bug is fixed.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.21

  1. Improvement (UCP): The UCP/EMI client connection delivery report matching is improved. In the previous version the submit reference returned from the mobile network operator was used for delivery report matching. Since some operators returned the same submit reference for different messages, this matching mechanism failed. In this version the submit reference is combined with the recipient address. This significantly reduces the chance of conflicting submit references.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.20

  1. Bug fix (SMPP Client): On SMPP client connection failure, the outstanding messages (messages sent, but not yet acknowledged by teh SMPP service provider) were not returned with submit failed status to the source.
  2. Improvement (Delivery report registry): The storage model for the delivery report registry was changed to support large number of entries.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.10

  1. Improvement (Backward compatibility): This version is better in preserving configurations when updating for earlier versions.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.8

  1. Improvement (Performance): The UCP connection is faster now in both the UCP server and UCP client implementation.
  2. Bug fix (UCP client): Multipart unice SMS encoding is fixed.
  3. Bug fix (UCP server): Multipart unice SMS encoding is fixed.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.6

  1. New feature (SQL text): A new reporting module was added that saves SQL commands into text files. This is great for high capacity systems, because database servers often cannot keep up with the speed.
  2. New feature (CSV reporting): A new reporting module was added that save all messages passing through the system into a CSV file. This is great if you wish to use Microsoft Excel to work with your data
  3. Improvement (Performance): The delivery engine speed is improved
  4. Bug fix (SQL reporting): The execution order of SQL commands are fixed
  5. Bug fix (SMPP logging): The low level logging feature of SMPP connections could not be switched off on the GUI. Now the associated checkbox works. If it is ticked, the SMPP PDUS will be logged.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.4

  1. Improvement (Performance): SMPP performance has been improved
  2. Bug fix (SMPP user): Character encoding issues were fixed

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.3

  1. Improvement (SMPP user): The messages from the not sent folder are automatically removed after the corrensponding delivery report is sent to the remote client. This improvement saves disk and memory resources and allows to operate a healthy SMPP service.
  2. Improvement (Logging): Debug logs related to the opeartion of the graphical user interface were removed from.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.2

  1. Bug fix (Delivery reports): The delivery report handling had a bug. It is fixed.
  2. Bug fix (Throttling): The throttling system for incoming SMPP connections had a bug, that is fixed.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.3.1

  1. Improvement (Performance): The system performance has been improved to provide higher throughput between smpp server user and smpp client connections.
  2. Improvement (Logging): The default logging level has been lowered and more options for configuring logging has been added.
  3. Improvement (GUI): An odometer has been added to the details page of the connections to provide information about the number of messages served by a connection since system startup
  4. Improvement (SMPP Client): The speed limiter in the SMPP client is more precise
  5. Improvement (SMPP Client): The windows size in the SMPP client connection can be increased up to 50 messages
  6. Improvement (SMPP User): Outbox size limitation can be set on the configuration form. If the user tries to push messages above the outbox size limit, his messages will be rejected with the outbox full error code.
  7. Improvement (SMPP User): Incoming speed limit can be configured on the configuration form of the SMPP user. If the user tries to send messages above this configured limit, his messages will be rejected with throttling error code.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.2.104

  1. Improvement (Http api): The SMS scheduling and delivery report feature has been improved in the HTTP API. More information can be requested in the report URL. More information is available in the the php example for scheduling SMS messages page and the http sms api/sendsms page
  2. Improvement (SQL reporting): The database reporting feature had a bug that prevented it from operation on older MySQL servers. This bug is fixed. Information about the SQL reporting feature is available in the SMS gateway SQL reporting guide

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.2.100

  1. Improvement (System startup): The system start/stop speeds have been improved.
  2. Improvement (HTTP API): The compatibility of the the HTTP SMS API has been improved to support Ozeki NG 4 clients.
  3. Bug fixes (GUI): Several minor bugs were fixed in the Graphical User Interface.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.2.96

  1. Improvement (Database messaging): The logging of the database messaging is improved.
  2. Improvement (Http client): The HTTP client user test interface is improved

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.2.95

  1. New feature (Uptime tracking): The about form displays the uptime of the SMS service
  2. Improvement (SMPP logging): The smpp user log displays the smpp id returned to the client in the SUBMIT_SM_RESP pdu.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.2.91

  1. Improvement (POP3 client): The SMTP authentication password can be specified independently in the POP3/SMTP connection configuration form. This allows you to setup e-mail to sms and sms to e-mail forwarding using independent POP3 and SMTP credentials.
  2. Bug fix (VB script): The ASP visual basic connection was renamed to VB script and a bug related to code compilation was fixed.
  3. Bug fix (C# script): The ASP C# connection was rename to C# script and a bug related to code compilation was fixed.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.2.89

  1. Improvement (Keepalive): The keepalive procedure on IP SMS connections became smarter. It slowly increments the keepalive interval if the remote server is not available to save resources.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.2.88

  1. Improvement (Licensing): The product activation became simpler
  2. Bug fix (Memory leak): The resources associated with incoming TCP client connections were not freed. This lead to increase in memory consumption over long periods.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.2.87

  1. New feature (Memory snapshot): This is a diagnostic tool placed into the Help / About menu to make it easy for system administrators to keep track of Ozeki memory usage.
  2. Improvement (Gsm modem): The GSM modem configuration has been improved. More modem models are detected automatically
  3. Improvement (Details message view): The detailed message view for the administators has been improved to include more fields
  4. Bug fix (TCP connections): The diagnostic feature of TCP IP connections had a bug, that resulted in a memory leak. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.2.86

  1. Bug fix (Peer To Peer Messaging): When a message was sent through the P2P network, during the login phase to the domain controller the system could not login on some rare setups.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.2.85

  1. Improvement (Performance): Several performance optimizations have been performed. The message throughput and the GUI responsivity became better.
  2. Improvement (Installer): The product was repackaged into a simple off-line ready installer, which is compatible with the new Ozeki Installer system.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.1.69

  1. New feature (SMS gateway): Windowing was added to support overrlapped processing and network transfer. This is a great performance boost for IP SMS gateway systems, such as SMPP gateway.
  2. Improvement (Phone system): Video support was improved relay calls
  3. New app (Ozeki classroom): The Ozeki Virtual Classroom is now available as an app for download

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.1.68

  1. Improvement (VoIP): The voice calls work even if all parties (caller, callee and pbx are behind separate NAT firewalls.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.1.65

  1. Bug fix (UCP connection): The XSER field encoding had a bug. It has been fixed in this new version.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.1.61

  1. Improvement (SMS Gateway): The speed of the SMS gateway is improved
  2. Improvement (Bulk Messenger): The Bulk Messenger GUI responsiveness is improved
  3. Bug fix (Chat Client): The Chat Client Exit on the taskbar will close all processes

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.1.57

  1. Improvement (Chat system): The installation procedure of the chat client is improved

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.1.53

  1. Improvement (Progress indication): Better progress indication during the install procedure.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.1.51

  1. Improvement (Digital signatures): The digital signature handling has been improved.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.1.50

  1. Improvement (Security): The certificates used for digital signatures have been updated

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.1.49

  1. Improvement (Installer upgrade): The installer upgrade procedure has been improved.
  2. Improvement (Delivery reports): The submit reference management for SMPP connections have been improved in the SMS gateway app.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.1.48

  1. New feature (Ozeki Phone Syste): This installer makes it possible to install the Ozeki Phone System

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.1.47

  1. New feature (Delivery reports): The SMS delivery report tracking is better. The logs are improved to make it easy to find which message a certain delivery report belongs to
  2. New feature (SQL reporting): The SQL reporting to database feature is improved, to automatically write SQL commands into a text file to handle situations when the database server goes offline.
  3. Improvement (Folder management): The message folders are renamed to make it easier for the users to identify their roles. If messages are moved to the outbox folder, they will automatically be sent.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.1.40

  1. SQL Reporting: The SQL reporting performance has been signifacantly improved to support message volumes up to 500 MPS (Messages Per Second) in real time. This is achieved by grouping SQL updates into batches.
  2. GUI: The performance of the graphical user interface has been significantly improved by introducing more control over client browser caching.
  3. Message delivery engine: The performance of the message deliery engine has been improved by automatically removing message sources, that are not ready to provide messages for submission.
  4. System load: The performance of system startup is significantly improved, by using parallel threading to load messages queues.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.1.36

  1. This is the first public release of Ozeki Installer. Ozeki Installer is a very easy to use software, that can be used to download, install and update your selected Ozeki products. Ozeki 10 offers many apps and features and this installer package will help you choose which ones you need. You can use this installer to setup the latest version of Ozeki SMS Gateway, Ozeki Chat, Ozeki Phone System and many other magnificent software packages.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.75

  1. Improvement (UCP connection): The delivery report matching was improved. Now the primary matching string is the returned unique timestamp received after SMS submit requests.
  2. Improvement (SQL reporting): The unicode charcters are saved into the reporting database
  3. Improvement (GSM modems): Some chinese GSM USB modems require software flow control on the USB connections. Support for such modems was added to the system.
  4. Bug fix (Memory leak): The system had a memory leak related to connection keepalive. This bug is fixed.
  5. Improvement (Geolocation): The geolocation feature was removed to save resources (it is still included in the full Ozeki 10. For SMS gateway it is not needed)
  6. Improvement (System diagnostics): The system diagnostics data collection is now disabled by default. This saves memory resources. It can be turned on in the control panel.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.73

  1. New feature (POP3 Client): This version includes a POP3 client connection. You can use this connection to download e-mail messages periodically from a POP3 e-mail server, and you can forward these messages to mobile phones.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.72

  1. Improvement (SMPP): If the delivery report submit reference is included in a TLV field, this value will take precedence over the value included in the message text.
  2. Bug fix (Login): If a user logged into a system without permission for the default application, he was redirected back to the login page, instead of the standard desktop. This bug is fixed. If the user does not have access to the default application, now he is logged into the desktop.
  3. Bug fix (Thread management): On systems where many network connect/reconnect took place in a very short period, the number of connection management / keepalive threads built up to an undesirable level. This bug is fixed.
  4. If Windows Defender complains about a Virus, it is a false warning. Please use Mozilla Firefox to download the software.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.71

  1. Improvement (SMPP): The SMPP delivery report matching has been improved, to support the delivery report format of the SMS service provider, Woqod, in Qatar.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.70

  1. New feature (Backup routing): a new routing condition was added to support backup routing
  2. Improvement (Imap server): the built in Imap server performance has been improved
  3. Improvement (Startup): the system startup procedure has been improved
  4. Bug fix (SMPP connection): the ESM class property is set to 04 for delivery reports in the built in SMPP server

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.68

  1. New feature (IMAP server): This version includes a fully featured IMAP server. This allows e-mail clients, such as Mozilla Thunderbird to access messages in Ozeki as they would access massages on an e-mail server. Multiple IMAP clients can access the same user account. This makes team cooperation easy
  2. Improvement (Multiple, custom queues): The system allows the user to create custom message folders (throught the IMAP protocol)
  3. Bug fix (UCP client): The sequence numbering of the UCP client connection had a bug. This was fixed.
  4. Bug fix (Chat): The built in chat system was improved. Several bugs were fixed.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.66

  1. Improvement (GUI): The GUI design was improved.
  2. Improvement (SMPP): The SMPP service provider connections character set handling capabilities were improved. ISO8859-1, Unicode and GSM 7 bit character sets are supported.
  3. Improvement (HTTP API): The HTTP API is improved to support PBX interactions and (SMS) mobile messaging
  4. Bug fix (Installer): On Windows Server 2016 systems the password dialog box did not work properly in the installer. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.63

  1. Bug fix (SMPP Service, deliver report encoding): In the delivery report SMPP PDU sent to clients who connected to the built in SMPP server of Ozeki 10, the encoding of the scheduled delivery time field and validity period field was incorrect in some situations. This bug is fixed in this version.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.62

  1. New feature (Fail safe database reporting): The database reporting feature was improved, to store queries when the database is offline. When the database comes back again, it will insert the records that should have been inserted while the database was offline. This is a great feature, because it makes sure you will not lose any messages in the reporting, even if your database server becomes temporarily unavailable.
  2. Improvement (HTTP API/task scheduling): The HTTP API support message scheduling. If you provide the time to send in your HTTP request, the message will be stored in the system and will be sent when it becomes appropriate
  3. Bug fix (Display error): When many HTTP API users were created, the user list did not display them properly. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.60

  1. New feature (Random sender ID): The SMS service users (SMPP, UCP, CIMD2, HTTP API, etc) got a new setting on their advanced form, that allows you to add a list of phone numbers to be used as sender ID.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.58

  1. New feature (Advanced routing): Advaced routing was added to the system, to allow various message modifications, such as picking a random sender address from a list or changing the message with code. Please note, that when you apply this update, your previous routes will be lost, and you will have to setup routing again.
  2. Improvement (Connection link maintenance): The connection link maintenance works better. A bug was fixed in the SMPP connection, that prevented automatic reconnection of broken SMPP links. Reconnection became faster, and it will keep on trying until it succeeds.
  3. Imprevement (Log rotation): In the previous version the log files were rotated in 100Mb segments. This was decreased to 10Mb.
  4. Improvement (PHP7, SMSwall): The built in PHP7 support, and the SMSWall App was removed from the installer to make it smaller and faster. If you need these components install the full Ozeki 10 (available at
  5. Bug fix (Connection rename): A bug related to renaming connections was found and fixed.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.52

  1. New feature (MessageBird): The Message Bird SMS service provieder is now supported. A new connection type is defined for this provider.
  2. New feature (CM Telecom): The SMPP client connection was improved to support the CM Telecom SMPP service. This service uses a non-standard delivery report format

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.51

  1. Improvement (HTTP client): The HTTP SMS client now offers segmentation and reassembly
  2. Improvement (E-mail to SMS forwarding): The built in SMTP server has been improved
  3. Improvement (Thread monitoring): The resource monitoring of active threads have been improved. Better display is provided, and bugs were fixed.
  4. Bug fix (SMPP delivery reports): The delivery report timestamps were not accurate.
  5. Bug fix (CPU load): On SMPP client disconnections the CPU utilization went up unexpectedly, because a thread did not exit properly. This bug is fixed.
  6. Bug fix (Oracle SMS): The Oracle SQL to SMS connection did not work properly, because queries were not executed independently. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.50

  1. New feature (MySQL SSL): The MySQL connection has been improved to support secure database connections over SSL. This feature can be used in database messaging applications

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.46

  1. Bug fix (MPM display): The message speed display (MPM) did not work properly. This bug is fixed

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.37

  1. New feature (Client list): For services, (SMPP server, UCP server, CIMD2 server) you will find a new page on the GUI. This new page lists all the connected clients with (TCP/IP endpoints), and allows you to disconnect client connections. This feature gives better control to SMS service providers. They can see who is connected to their system, and they can terminate unwanted connections.
  2. Improvement (Keepalive): For client connections (SMPP, UCP, CIMD2) automatic connection reestablishment is improved. Clients reconnect faster, automatically and more errors are detected, for example if the TCP connection is open, but the remote application does not respond.
  3. Improvement (Cleanup): For SMS services (SMPP, UCP, CIMD2) inactive client connections are disconnected and removed from the system after 5 minutes. In more detail: if no traffic occurs on a connection it is disconnected to save system resources. During normal operation every client keeps the connection by sending keepalive requests periodically. If a client is lost, and the connection is assumed open, keepalive pings will not happen. This new feature detects such clients and disconnects them from the system.
  4. Bug fix (UCP connection): The UCP server did not decode all SMS messages properly. This bug is fixed.
  5. Bug fix (CIMD2 connection): Checksum verification had a bug for long PDUss. This is fixed.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.36

  1. New feature (Message folder export): You may export your message queues in various formats, such as Excel, csv, txt, json, xml, etc.
  2. Improvement (Messsage folder display): The message folder user interface became simpler, and looks better
  3. Improvement (SMPP PDU preservation): The SMPP PDU parts are saved as tags for messages. This allows you to save these parts in a database or use them in outgoing messages
  4. Improvement (SSL certificate config): The SSL certificate storage is restructured to make it easier to maintain in the future. All certificates are saved intto a single directory to make backup/restore easier. Important: if you apply this update, you will have to configure your SSL certificates again
  5. Improvement (HTTPS GUI): The ssl certificate configuration for the HTTPS GUI is simplified
  6. Improvement (Routing GUI): The graphical user interface of the routing table is improved, to offer automatic inbound and outbound route filtering.
  7. Bug fix (CIMD2 logging): The CIMD2 connection had duplicate communication log entries. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.34

  1. Improvement (SMPP server): simplified delivery report format
  2. Improvement (SMPP server): multiple simultaneous client connections are allowed with the same username and password
  3. Improvement (SMPP server): In addition to SMPP transceiver, now the SMPP clients can connect in multilink mode (independent SMPP transmitter and SMPP receiver connections can be used to send and receive messages using the same account).
  4. Improvement (Cleanup): automatic cleanup was added to remove outdated SMS submit references from the system
  5. Improvement (SMPP client): the default ESM class value is set to 00
  6. Improvement (Routing): the routing confguration was simplified. A single form is used for both inbound and outbound routing.
  7. Improvement (Security): The admin password is stored in a more secure way. Important: If you are upgrading, please specify a new password for the admin account during installation!
  8. Improvement (Security): The default gui access method is changed to https://. (If you are upgrading, the installer will not change the protocol to https://, but if you wish to switch, you can do it in the control panel.)

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.28

  1. Improvement (message routing): The sender and recipient phone numbers can be modified on the fly using regular expressions
  2. Improvement (message composer): Routing table based routing was added as a possible option to select which connection to use for sending
  3. Improvement (message test form): The SMPP connection test form allows you to specify a custom sender address

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.27

  1. Improvement (SMPP client): Deliver_SM response was simplified to support more service providers
  2. Improvement (Delivery reports): Delivery report matching was improved
  3. Improvement (Cleanup): Messages are automatically deleted once the delivery report is received, and the message is transferred to the client. This feature saves memory and improves performance, because the message queues can stay smaller

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.25

  1. Improvement (GUI access): The user interface has been improved, to support websocket connections through firewalls (NAT). Now you can setup firewall rules and use the GUI from remote locations, through secure HTTP and WSS links.
  2. Improvement (Delivery report matching): The SMPP client has been improved to handle submit references and delivery reports returned with non-standard IDs.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.22

This version was dedicated to improving the SMPP SMS client and SMPP SMS service provider capabilities of the system.

  1. Improvements (SMPP client connection). Several improvements were made to make the SMPP client better. The keepalive requests, connection timeouts, broken network links, automatic reconnect capability were improved. Logging was improved.
  2. New features (SMPP PDU decoder)
  3. . The SMPP client connection received a new tab, that offers a visual SMPP PDU decoder. This helps you decode and understand how each SMPP pdu is made up.
  4. Improvemengs (TLS / SSL). The security layer was also improved to provide enhanced remote praty validation capabilities. You can decide whether you wish to trust system CA-s, or you would like to use your own. Certificate creation, signing was also improved.
  5. Improvemengs (SMPP server). The SMPP server user authentication was improved, and several bugs were fixed related to user renaming, password changes and GUI.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.15

  1. Improvement (SSL Certificate Validation): The SSL layer was improved to support enhanced certificate validation for both client and server SSL connections. You can validate the remote party using a custom CA or using a trust chain derived from the system certificate store. This new features allows your to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks for secure connections. This improvement was added to the following SMS connections: SMPP Server, SMPP Client, CIMD2 Server, CIMD2 Client, UCP/EMI Server, UCP/EMI Client.
  2. Improvement (SSL Certificates Creation): The security app was improved to make it easier to create and sign SSL certificates. Now you can not only create and sign X509 certificates, but you can also specify the usage flags on the graphical user interface. This makes it easy for you to restrict how an issued certificate can be used. For example it can be setup for code signing or you can allow cert signing or encryption.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.14

  • Improvement: Int the SMPP Client and SMPP server connections, the default character set is changed to ISO-8859-1, and Unicode character support was improved, multipart message segmentation and reassembly performance was improved. Tests were made with Arabic, Chinese and Russian characters.
  • Improvement: User creation for SMPP, CIMD2 and UCP SMS Server connections have been simplified.
  • Improvement: SSL support was added to CIMD2 and UCP SMS connections. Now you can use SMPP over SSL, CIMD2 over SSL, and UCP over SSL in both client and server connections. This allows you to connect securely to the short message service center (SMSC) of the mobile network operators.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.13

  • New feature: SMPP Server over SSL. The SMPP server service has been improved to offer SSL encryption. You may upload an SSL certificate and use an encrypted channel for communication with your clients.
  • New feature: SMPP Client over SSL. The SMPP connectoin has been improved to offer SSL encryption. You may upload an SSL certificate and use an encrypted channel for communication with SMPP SMS services.
  • New feature: E-mail to SMS gateway. The built in SMTP server (E-mail to SMS), can return information about submit reports and delivery reports. If a user sends an e-mail, he will receive a response e-mail when the SMS message is successfully submitted to the mobile network, and when the SMS message is delivered to the recipient handset.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.12

  • New feature: The SMTP server protocol was added to the system to be able to provider messaging from e-mail. Now you can send messages to the system from e-mail clients, or through other SMTP servers. The incoming e-mail messages can be forwarded as SMS using the routing table. This is a great feature, that allows you to setup an e-mail to SMS gateway. This SMTP server offers user authentication, and it can also work without authentication depending on the configuration.
  • Improvement: SMPP Client default character encoding was changed to ISO-8859-1
  • Improvement: SMPP Client config form / phone number, ESEME address field simplified

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.11

  • New feature: Database reporting. The database reporting allows you to save a copy of each message that goes through the system into a database. The following databases are supproted: Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Express, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, Sybase SQL Anywhere, OleDB, ODBC. This feature was present in the previous generation of Ozeki NG. Now it is included in this version generation. This implementation is more user friendly.
  • New feature: CIMD2 Server: With this version you may provide SMS service to your customers using the CIMD2 protocol
  • New feature: CIMD2 Client: With this version you may connect to SMS service providers using the CIMD2 protocol
  • New feature: PHP support added. You may write autoresponding logic in PHP. (This feature caused the increase in the package size, since we included the PHP components needed to compile PHP scripts you write)
  • New feature: ASP scripting in C#.Net. You may write autoresponding logic in C#.Net
  • New feature: ASP scripting in VB.Net. You may write autoresponding logic in VB.Net
  • New feature: Cameroon MTN service provider connection added. This connection allows you to send/receive SMS messages using ParlayX through the service offered by MTN in Cameroon.
  • New feature: Autoreply database. You can create autoresponding applications using a database.
  • New feature: SNMP support. 4 connections were created to act as an SNMP monitoring agent or an SNMP monitoring server, and send/receive SMS messages in case of SNMP events.
  • New feature: SMS voting. You can setup SMS voting services, where people can send in SMS messages with keywords, and you can count which keyword was sent in how many times.
  • New feature: SMS PDF. You can setup a service where people can send in an SMS with their e-mail address, and you can send an e-mail to the e-mail address with an attached file, such as a PDF document. This is great to distribute documentation or marketing material in SMS.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.8

  1. New supported OS: Ubuntu Linux. Starting with this version Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway will operate on debian based Linux distributions. Our primary Linux platform is Ubuntu. This version was tested on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. In the future all version will be released for both Windows and Linux platforms.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.7

  1. Improvement (GUI): This version includes lots of improvements on the GUI, to require a fewer number of clicks to access popular features. Although the general layout has not changed, it is significantly more easy to use.
  2. Improvement (Nexmo SMS connection): Multipart SMS support was added for this connection for both incoming and outgoing messages. Now you can send and receive long SMS. You can find information on How to setup Nexmo SMS service provider in Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway in the On-line manual.
  3. Improvement (Nexmo SMS connection): Unicode character set support was added to the Nexmo SMS service provider connection, to make it possible to send and receive chinese, arabic, cirill and other unicode characters and unicode emojis.
  4. Improvement (General SMS messaging): Delivery report matching for multipart messages was improved. Now we examine all message parts before marking a message delivered or not delivered, and we introduced the term partial successful delivery.

Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway v10.0.6

This is the first public release of Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway, which is the second generation of our popular Ozeki NG SMS gateway platform. This release includes the following IP SMS connection types:

  1. SMPP SMS Client
  2. SMPP SMS Server
  3. UCP/EMI SMS Client
  4. UCP/EMI SMS Server
  5. HTTP SMS Client
  6. HTTP SMS Server

The HTTP client supports SSL security using the following protocols: TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, SSL 3.0. The same protocols are also available in the HTTP Server connection. SSL support was added based on a customer request.

This version also supports GSM modems attached to the computer over USB, RS232, Bluetooth or any other serial link. With GSM modems you may send and receive SMS messages wirelessly the same way your mobile phone sends and receives SMS messages. The connection type you need to use for this connection is:

  1. SMS Modem

The version also includes a service provider specific connection on a customer request. This called Nexmo SMS client. It implements the functionality of the SMS service offered at The connection you need to install in Ozeki if you wish to use this service is called:

  1. Nexmo SMS Client

On the user side. This version implements the following connection types:

  1. Text file SMS connection
  2. FTP SMS connection
  3. SQL SMS connection
  4. Auto reply connection

Regarding database connections, the following databases are supported:

  1. Microsoft SQL Server
  2. MS Access
  3. MySQL
  4. ODBC
  5. OleDB
  6. Oracle
  7. PostgreSQL
  8. SQLAnywhere

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