How to test your localhost HTTPS connection

The following guide introduce you how you can test your local HTTPS connection. To run the test you need to download the file.

Step 1 - Make certificates

For using HTTPS you need to generate self signed certificates for it. For a self signed certificate first you need a CA certificate. To generate it please run the following command in the Windows command prompt (Figure 1). Make sure that you start the CMD with Administrator privileges.

makecert -n "CN=OzekiTest2CA" -r -sv OzekiTest2CA.pvk OzekiTest2CA.cer

make ca certificate
Figure 1 - Make CA certificate

During the generation you need to define a password for the certificate (Figure 2).

define ca password
Figure 2 - Define CA password

Now generate the Signed certificate by run the following command in the Windows command prompt (Figure 3).

makecert -sk OzekiTest2Signed -iv OzekiTest2CA.pvk -n "CN=OzekiTest2Signed"
-ic OzekiTest2CA.cer OzekiTest2Signed.cer -sr localmachine -ss My

make signed certificate
Figure 3 - Make Signed certificate

During the generation you need to define a password for the certificate (Figure 4).

define signed password
Figure 4 - Define Signed password

Step 2 - Install Certificates

Now you have to install the certificates to the computer's certificate store. First install the CA certificate. Open the certificate and click on the Install Certificate... button (Figure 5).

install ca certificate
Figure 5 - Install CA certificate

Select to install it to the Local Machine (Figure 6).

install ca certificate to local machine
Figure 6 - Install to local machine

Now browse the Trusted Root certification Authorities store (Figure 7).

select trusted root certification authorities
Figure 7 - Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities

Finally finish the installation (Figure 8).

finish ca certificate installation
Figure 8 - Finish installation

As you can see on the Figure 9 the installation was successful.

the ca import was successful
Figure 9 - The import was successful

Next install the Signed certificate. Open the certificate and click on the Install Certificate... button (Figure 10).

install signed certificate
Figure 10 - Install Signed certificate

Select to install it to the Local Machine (Figure 11).

install signed certificate to local machine
Figure 11 - Install to local machine

Now browse the Personal store (Figure 12).

select personal store
Figure 12 - Select Personal store

Finally finish the installation (Figure 13).

finish signed certificate installation
Figure 13 - Finish installation

As you can see on the Figure 14 the installation was successful.

the signed import was successful
Figure 14 - The import was successful

Step 3 - Bind certificate to the port

To bind the certificate to the proper IP and port pair you will need the Signed certificate's thumbprint. Copy it from the certificate's Details tab.

copy signed certificate thumbprint
Figure 15 - Copy Signed certificate thumbprint

Now run the following command in the Windows command prompt (Figure 16). The certhash will be the Signed certificate thumbprint what you copied before.

netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=01bb60d624637ffbd1ec188da2e653525b83b933 

bind certificate to the port
Figure 16 - Bind certificate to the port

As you can see on the Figure 17 the binding is successful (Figure 17).

bind success
Figure 17 - Bind success

Step 4 - Test HTTPS listening

The final step is to test the HTTPS listening with the tester program. Run the Program as administrator (Figure 18).

run https tester
Figure 18 - Run HTTPS tester

Now open the page in your browser. You will see the Hello World! if the connection is work (Figure 19).

https connection works
Figure 19 - HTTPS connection works

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