How to use HTTPS in the SMS Gateway

This guide gives information on how to setup the secure HTTPS protocol in Ozeki 10. It provides information on how to secure GUI access, how to create and configure SSL certificates, and how to use HTTPS to access the SMS gateway remotely.

What is a GUI

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. It is the webpage you work on when you configure the Ozeki SMS Gateway service.

How to secure the SMS Gateway GUI (HTTPS port)

By default Ozeki SMS Gateway offers an HTTPS user interface. It runs on port 9515. You can switch the HTTPS port to the default HTTPS port 443. Note that Ozeki SMS Gateway also uses websockets. By default the secure (WSS) port of Ozeki for websocket connections is 9516. If you switch the GUI to use port 443, the secure (WSS) port will automatically be switched to 444.

The following video shows how you can change the graphical user interface of Ozeki 10 to operate on port 443. It also shows how to configure the Windows firewall to let traffic into your system through port 443 and 444.

How to setup a GUI password to allow remote access

The following video shows how you can create an admin password. If you have a password configured, you will be able to access the Ozeki GUI remotely.

How to create a free SSL certificate using Let's Encrypt

If you want to access the Ozeki GUI over HTTPS from remote computers you may want to setup a custom SSL certificate. This will allow you to access the Ozeki SMS Gateway GUI without. Once you have your certificate ready, you need to restart the Ozeki service. The following video shows how you can create a free, publicly acknowledged SSL certificatge using the Let's Encrypt SSL service.


This is the end of the tutorial. If you have followed the tutorial steps closely, everything is now properly set up using the secure HTTPS protocol in Ozeki SMS Gateway. If you would like to discover more interesting facts about the benefits of other smiliar solutions, please open Ozeki has a wide range of funcionality in all of its product for maximum efficiency.

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