HTTP API - URL Encoding
In order to pass parameters in URL-s, you have to replace certain characters to keep the syntax. This is called URL escaping or URL encoding. For example, the space must be replaced to the + sign. The following table lists some of the characters that should be replaced.
space | + |
! | %21 |
" | %22 |
# | %23 |
% | %25 |
& | %26 |
' | %27 |
* | %2A |
+ | %2B |
, | %2C |
/ | %2F |
: | %3A |
< | %3C |
= | %3D |
> | %3E |
? | %3F |
Euro (€) | %E2%82%AC |
On-line URL encoding
If you would like to use UTF8 URL encoding, please use the following tool:UTF8 URL encode (for Ozeki)
To use Windows 1250 URL encoding, please use the following tool:
Windows 1250 URL encode
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