ESME_ROK (0x00000000)

The request was successfully processed.

Status: OK

Meaning: The operation completed without errors.


Here's an SMPP PDU (Protocol Data Unit) transaction example that includes an ESME_ROK (0x00000000) response. This transaction illustrates an SMPP bind request and response where an External Short Messaging Entity (ESME) successfully binds to the Short Message Service Center (SMSC).

Bind Request (bind_transmitter PDU)

0000001B  // Command Length (27 bytes)
00000002  // Command ID (bind_transmitter)
00000000  // Command Status (0x00000000 - No Error)
00000001  // Sequence Number (1)
74657374  // System ID ("test")
00        // Null terminator
70617373  // Password ("pass")
00        // Null terminator
736D7070  // System Type ("smpp")
00        // Null terminator
34        // Interface Version (SMPP v3.4)
00        // Address TON
00        // Address NPI
00        // Address Range (empty)

Bind Response (bind_transmitter_resp PDU)

0000001B  // Command Length (27 bytes)
80000002  // Command ID (bind_transmitter_resp)
00000000  // Command Status (0x00000000 - ESME_ROK)
00000001  // Sequence Number (1)
74657374  // System ID ("test")
00        // Null terminator

Status: ESME_ROK (0x00000000) - Bind Successful

Explanation of the PDU Transaction

Bind Request (bind_transmitter PDU)

The ESME sends a request to the SMSC to bind as a transmitter.
The Command ID (0x00000002) indicates a bind_transmitter request.
The Command Status (0x00000000) is ESME_ROK, meaning no error (successful transmission).
The System ID and Password are provided for authentication.
Bind Response (bind_transmitter_resp PDU)

The SMSC responds with a successful bind response.

The Command ID (0x80000002) indicates a bind_transmitter_resp response.
The Command Status (0x00000000) is ESME_ROK, confirming the bind was successful.
This is a simple successful binding scenario in SMPP. Would you like an example for submit_sm or another SMPP command?

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