ESME_RINVBCASTSRVGRP (Error Code: 0x00000111) indicates that an invalid broadcast service group was specified in the request. This typically happens when an ESME sends a request referencing a non-existent or unauthorized broadcast service group.

Possible Causes

  • The specified broadcast service group ID is invalid or does not exist.
  • The ESME is not authorized to use the provided broadcast service group.
  • There is a mismatch between the requested service group and the SMSC's available configurations.
  • Syntax errors or missing mandatory fields in the request.

When Does It Happen?

This error occurs when an ESME sends a request related to broadcast messaging (such as broadcast_sm, query_broadcast_sm, or cancel_broadcast_sm) and includes an incorrect or invalid broadcast service group ID.

Example SMPP PDU Transaction

Request PDU (broadcast_sm) Sent by ESME

0000002A (Length)
00000113 (Command ID for broadcast_sm)
00000000 (Command Status)
0000000B (Sequence Number)
00 (Service Group ID - Invalid)
31323334 00 (Source Address: "1234")

Response PDU (broadcast_sm_resp) Indicating ESME_RINVBCASTSRVGRP

00000010 (Length)
80000113 (Command ID for broadcast_sm_resp)
00000111 (Command Status - ESME_RINVBCASTSRVGRP)
0000000B (Sequence Number)

How to Solve It?

  • Ensure the broadcast service group ID is valid and correctly formatted.
  • Verify that your ESME has the necessary permissions to access the specified broadcast service group.
  • Check with the SMSC administrator to confirm the correct service group IDs available for use.
  • Ensure all required parameters in the request are correctly set.
  • Consult SMSC logs for additional debugging information.

By verifying the service group ID and ensuring the request is correctly formatted, this issue can be avoided.

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