ESME_RTHROTTLED (Error Code: 0x00000058) is an SMPP error indicating that the ESME has exceeded the allowed message submission rate set by the SMSC.

Possible Causes

  • The ESME is sending messages too quickly, exceeding the allowed throughput.
  • The SMSC has applied a rate limit due to account restrictions or overload protection.
  • Multiple ESME connections from the same account are overloading the SMSC.
  • The SMSC is experiencing high traffic and temporarily limiting submissions.

When Does It Happen?

This error occurs when an ESME submits messages faster than the allowed rate per second, as configured by the SMSC.

Example SMPP PDU Transaction

Submit_sm PDU (Message Submission)

0000002F (Length)
00000004 (Command ID for submit_sm)
00000000 (Command Status)
00000001 (Sequence Number)
00 (Service Type)
01 (Source Address TON - International)
01 (Source Address NPI - ISDN)
31323334 00 (Source Address: "1234")
01 (Destination Address TON - International)
01 (Destination Address NPI - ISDN)
39383736 00 (Destination Address: "9876")
00 (ESM Class)
00 (Protocol ID)
00 (Priority Flag)
00000000 (Schedule Delivery Time - Not Set)
00000000 (Validity Period - Not Set)
00 (Replace If Present Flag)
00 (Sm Default Msg ID)
0005 (Message Length)
48656C6C 6F (Message: "Hello")

Response PDU (submit_sm_resp) with ESME_RTHROTTLED

00000010 (Length)
80000004 (Command ID for submit_sm_resp)
00000058 (Command Status - ESME_RTHROTTLED)
00000001 (Sequence Number)

Issue: The ESME is sending messages too quickly, causing the SMSC to throttle further submissions.

How to Solve It?

  • Reduce the message submission rate to comply with the SMSC's allowed throughput.
  • Check the SMSC provider's rate limits and configure the ESME accordingly.
  • Implement rate-limiting mechanisms in the ESME application to avoid excessive submissions.
  • If necessary, request a higher throughput limit from the SMSC provider.
  • Use message queuing and backoff strategies to manage traffic during high-load periods.

If the issue persists, monitor SMPP logs and ensure the message submission rate stays within the SMSC's allowed limits.

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