ESME_RBCASTFAIL (Error Code: 0x0000010C) indicates a failure in processing a broadcast message request. This could be due to an internal system error, a configuration issue, or an unsupported request.

Possible Causes

  • The SMSC encountered an internal error while processing the broadcast request.
  • The requested broadcast operation is not supported by the SMSC.
  • Invalid parameters were supplied in the broadcast_sm request.

When Does It Happen?

This error occurs when an ESME submits a broadcast_sm request and the SMSC fails to process it due to an internal or operational issue.

Example SMPP PDU Transaction

Request PDU (broadcast_sm) Sent by ESME

00000034 (Length)
00000111 (Command ID for broadcast_sm)
00000000 (Command Status)
00000007 (Sequence Number)
00 (Service Type - Default)
01 (Source Address TON - International)
01 (Source Address NPI - ISDN)
31323334 00 (Source Address: "1234")
01 (Destination Address TON - International)
01 (Destination Address NPI - ISDN)
39383736 00 (Destination Address: "9876")
00 (ESM Class)
00 (Protocol ID)
00 (Data Coding Scheme)
00 (Priority Flag)
00000000 (Schedule Delivery Time - Not Set)
00000000 (Validity Period - Not Set)
00 (Replace If Present Flag)
00 (Sm Default Msg ID)
0005 (Message Length)
48656C6C 6F (Message: "Hello")

Response PDU (broadcast_sm_resp) Indicating ESME_RBCASTFAIL

00000010 (Length)
80000111 (Command ID for broadcast_sm_resp)
0000010C (Command Status - ESME_RBCASTFAIL)
00000007 (Sequence Number)

How to Solve It?

  • Check the SMSC logs for more details on why the broadcast request failed.
  • Verify if broadcast messaging is supported by the SMSC and that your account has the necessary permissions.
  • Ensure that all parameters in the broadcast_sm request are correctly formatted and valid.
  • Retry the request after confirming the issue is resolved with the SMSC.

To resolve this issue, identify the root cause by analyzing the response from the SMSC and correct any configuration or request issues.

More information