How to buy Ozeki SMS gateway - Step-by-step guide

In this guide, you can access information and assistance on how to purchase Ozeki SMS Gateway step by step.

How to buy Ozeki SMS gateway (Quick Steps)

  1. Browse
  2. Click on 'How to buy'
  3. Fill out the form (Name and E-mail address is compulsory)
  4. Select desired product
  5. Click on 'Order'
  6. Enter your contact information
  7. Choose payment method
  8. Transfer money using the 'IBAN number'

How to purchase Ozeki SMS gateway

The very first step you need to take is to browse Once you are on the website click on 'How to buy' shown by the red arrow in Figure 1 to start the purchasing process.

click on how to buy
Figure 1 - Click on how to buy

You will automatically be redirected to a site where you can start the purchasing process. You will be asked to fill out a form to get immediate pricing information for Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway. As you can see it in Figure 2 you must enter your name and E-mail address to be able to move on to the next step. Company name, your website's name, country name and message are optional, you do not necessarily have to fill them out. Once you filled out the form click on 'Ok'.

fill out form
Figure 2 - Fill out form

This step is very essential, as it shows how you can select your desired product. You can purchase both standard and enterprise licenses. You can see the list of our products and we also indicated the most important capacity parameters under the product's name. Once you decided which product you would like to buy click on 'Order' shown by the red arrow in Figure 3.

select product and order
Figure 3 - Select product and order

After clicking on 'Order' you have to fill out the order form that you can see in Figure 4. Here you need to provide your contact information, like your name and E-mail address, telephone number and also select your preferred payment method. Once you are done click on 'Next'.

fill out form and select payment method
Figure 4 - Fill out form and select payment method

If you did everything according to this guide you will receive a 'Thank you for your order' notification. You can take a look at your 'Purchase Information' and make sure you entered everything correctly. You can also see the 'Payment Information' for both EU and International transfers. You have to use the 'IBAN number' to transfer the right amount of money for your purchase. We have highlighted the IBAN number, you can view it in Figure 5. If you need assistance with anything ask for help through!

transfer money using iban number
Figure 5 - Transfer money using the IBAN number

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