Shorten URL for Bulk SMS sending

In today's fast-moving digital world, businesses need to communicate quickly and effectively, especially when sending messages to many people at once. One key tool for this is using shortened URLs in bulk SMS messages. These shorter links save space in text messages and make them look cleaner and easier to read. They also help businesses track how many people click on their links, giving them useful information about their campaigns. Using shortened URLs is important for businesses that want their messages to be clear, engaging, and effective.

Shorten URL for bulk SMS sending with Ozeki SMS Gateway

The diagram shows how the Ozeki SMS Gateway sends bulk SMS messages. It takes messages from different sources like AI systems, Excel sheets, databases, and marketing campaigns. The messages, including URLs, go through a URL shortening process before being routed by the Ozeki SMS Gateway. The gateway can send messages in two ways: through a GSM modem connected via USB, which sends the SMS to the mobile network and then to phones, or through the internet using different protocols (SMPP, UCP, CIMD2, HTTP, HTTPS, REST), which also deliver the SMS to the mobile network and then to phones. This system makes it easy to send many messages quickly and efficiently.

shorten url for bulk sms
Figure 1 - Shorten URL for bulk SMS sending

What is bulk SMS?

Bulk SMS is a way to send many text messages to lots of people at once. Businesses and organizations use it to quickly communicate with customers, employees, or members. It is often used for marketing, alerts, reminders, and notifications because it is fast, cost-effective, and people tend to read text messages more than emails. Bulk SMS helps businesses reach a large audience instantly in a personal and direct way.

What is URL?

A URL, which stands for Uniform Resource Locator, is the address used to access websites and other resources on the internet. It shows where a resource, like a webpage, is located and how to get to it. For example, in the URL "", "https" is the protocol, "" is the domain name, and there might be more paths or details after the domain that lead to specific pages or files on the site. URLs are important for finding and accessing online content.

Why use short link for SMS?

Brand impressions: Using shortened links allows businesses to customize them with their own brand names or related keywords. This branding helps reinforce their identity every time someone clicks on a link, increasing brand recognition and trust.

Enhanced deliverability: When businesses use branded links in SMS messages, they are more likely to bypass filters that sometimes block generic short links. This means more of your messages reach their intended recipients, ensuring your marketing efforts are not wasted due to blocked links.

Encouraging action: Short links reassure recipients that clicking will take them to a trustworthy place, such as your website or a specific offer page. This confidence boosts the likelihood that recipients will click through, leading to increased engagement and conversions.

Character efficiency: In SMS marketing, where space is limited to 160 characters per message, every character counts. Shortened URLs help save space that can be used for essential message content rather than long web addresses that could split across multiple messages, potentially confusing recipients.

Optimized mobile experience: Short links can direct mobile users to specific locations within apps or mobile websites. This targeted approach improves user experience by making navigation simpler and more direct, whether it is prompting app downloads or leading to relevant content.

Insightful data analytics: Short link services provide valuable data such as how many times a link has been clicked, which devices were used, and where users are located. This data helps businesses understand their audience better, allowing them to refine their SMS campaigns for better performance and engagement.

Use cases of shortening URL

Enhanced user experience:

Shortened URLs are easier to read and share because they are concise and do not take up much space. This is particularly useful in text messages or short messages where long URLs might get cut off or look messy. People can quickly understand and click on shortened links without confusion.

Tracking and analytics:

When businesses use shortened URLs, they can track how many people click on them. This helps them understand which messages or ads are most effective. By analysing these clicks, they can make better decisions about their marketing strategies and improve their campaigns to reach more people.

Space optimization:

Shortened URLs save space in messages, tweets, or posts where there is a limit on the number of characters. This allows for clearer and more focused communication. Instead of a long and complicated link that takes up valuable space, a shortened URL keeps the message concise while still providing the necessary information.

Brand visibility:

Customized shortened URLs can include a brand name or a relevant keyword. This helps businesses create a consistent brand presence across different platforms. When people see these branded links, they are more likely to recognize and remember the brand, which can strengthen brand awareness and trust over time.


Shortened URLs can help protect against phishing attempts or unauthorized access. Long URLs can sometimes be confusing or suspicious-looking. Shortened URLs hide the original link, making it harder for attackers to manipulate or misuse the link to trick people into clicking on harmful websites.

Cross-platform sharing:

Shortened URLs are versatile and can be easily shared across different platforms like emails, social media, or printed materials. This ensures that the link works the same way and looks consistent no matter where it is shared. Users can access the link from any device or platform without any issues.

A/B testing:

Marketers use shortened URLs to test different versions of a link or landing page to see which one performs better. By comparing the number of clicks and engagement rates between different versions, they can learn what resonates most with their audience and make data-driven decisions to optimize their marketing efforts.

Offline tracking: Shortened URLs can be paired with QR codes on physical materials like flyers, posters, or products. This allows businesses to track how many people scan the QR code and visit the link. It provides valuable insights into offline interactions and helps businesses understand the effectiveness of their offline marketing efforts.

Why should you shorten URL for bulk SMS sending?

Maximize message space: SMS messages have limited characters. Shortened URLs help conserve space, allowing you to include more content or context in your message.

Enhance readability: Long URLs can break across lines or be difficult to read. Shortened URLs maintain message clarity, ensuring recipients can easily understand and interact with your link.

Increase click-through rates: Shortened URLs are concise and visually appealing, which encourages recipients to click on them. This can lead to higher engagement rates compared to lengthy URLs.

Track engagement: Shortened URLs often come with analytics tools that allow you to track how many recipients clicked on the link. This data helps you measure the effectiveness of your SMS campaign and make informed decisions for future strategies.

Ensure delivery: Some SMS platforms have limitations on the length of URLs they can handle. Shortened URLs reduce the risk of messages being truncated or rejected, ensuring that your message and link are delivered intact to recipients.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are short links for SMS?

Short links for SMS enable marketers to track campaign effectiveness using link-shortening services. These mobile links, or mobile tracking links, help businesses monitor click-through rates and conversion metrics by creating numerous unique links. Designed for mobile engagement, these links can direct users to specific app content or the app store, enhancing the mobile user experience. Marketers frequently shorten these mobile deep links for effortless sharing via SMS, optimizing engagement strategies on mobile platforms.

How does URL shortening work for bulk SMS?

URL shortening services compress long URLs into shorter ones using algorithms that create unique identifiers. When recipients click on these shortened links in SMS messages, they are redirected seamlessly to the intended web page or app content.


In the modern digital landscape, effective communication is crucial for businesses aiming to reach a large audience swiftly and clearly. A valuable tool in achieving this goal is the use of shortened URLs within bulk SMS messaging. These compact links streamline text messages, making them more concise and easier to comprehend. Additionally, they provide businesses with insights into campaign effectiveness by tracking click-through rates. Incorporating shortened URLs ensures that messages are straightforward, engaging, and optimized for delivering information efficiently to recipients.

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