Setup the MyOzeki SMS System

The MyOzeki SMS System adds SMS campaign management capabilities to your MyOzeki platform. It is a zip file that includes the MyOzeki Webservice libraries and the SMS service libraries. With the MyOzeki SMS System, you can seamlessly integrate SMS campaign management into your existing MyOzeki platform, enhancing your communication strategies and customer engagement. Follow the given instructions to complete the setup process.


To download the MyOzeki SMS Marketing System please ask for download information in e-mail at The MyOzeki SMS Marketing System is available free of charge for license holders with active technical support subscription.


To install this library, you must unzip it and you must copy it into the www root of your Apache webserver. Decide where you want to create the www folder. This should be in your server's file system and easily accessible by your web server.

Create MyOzeki www folder

Creating the www folder for the MyOzeki SMS System involves setting up a directory where you'll place the necessary web content to interact with the system. Name the www folder to "www.default". After that, open the Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway webpage to download the necessary file. Download the .zip file, then copy the whole folder into the "wamp64" folder. Load the admin user setup page to create a MyOzeki admin user account.

Create MyOzeki admin user

Access the Ozeki Admin Setup page by navigating to the http://localhost/ozeki/index.php URL. Provide an administrator email address along with a chosen password. Validate the password and proceed by selecting the "Create admin account" button to save the details. Following this, use the provided information to log in to your MyOzeki account.

Add MyOzeki SMS service

In the subsequent phase of the procedure, your task is to install the SMS service within MyOzeki. Locate the "wamp64" directory on your computer's Local Disk and access the "www" root within it. Inside this directory, you'll find the "ozekiconfig" folder. Within the "ozekiconfig" folder, locate and select the "services" notes option. From the note document, identify the relevant section and copy it. This copied part will be used to create a new service command. After creating the new command, save the changes you've made. After this, load the webpage. Refresh the page to enable to appear the "SMS" feature in the Favourites menu.
To achieve this, input the following code: include_once("$servicesdir/sms/_include.php";

Connect MyOzeki to SMS Gateway

The process of connecting MyOzeki to an SMS gateway involves some steps, you need to take to establish a communication link between the two systems, enabling MyOzeki to send and receive SMS messages through the gateway. Open the "sms" notes file from your computer's "www" directory. Find the HTTP API User, then write into the appropriate part the "ozeki_http_user" and the provided password to it. Save the changes, then load webpage again. Refresh the page to let setup the connection between MyOzeki and the SMS Gateway.
Enter this:


All in all, the Ozeki SMS Gateway offers high-performance SMS gateway software designed for streamlined SMS campaign management. By integrating the MyOzeki SMS System, businesses can enhance communication strategies and customer engagement through this user-friendly platform. By following the given steps, you can easily set up the MyOzeki SMS System, enabling effective SMS messaging. For more information, visit the website or contact at e-mail address.

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