Sample script for Autoreply Database User

The 'sqlscript.txt' script file is automatically generated in the folder of every Autoreply Database User. This sample script shows how to filter incoming SMS messages and forward or reply to them from the rows generated with the help of one or more SQL SELECT statement.

Download: sqlscript.txt

# Default script file for Autoreply configuration. This script
# is executed every time a new message is sent to the system 
# from a mobile phone
# Entry:
#     One entry contains a single condition line that starts
#     with a condition option. The condition line is followed
#     by one or more action lines. Action lines contain SQL
#     commands. The entry is closed by an empty line  
# Condition options:
#     n - if the sender telephone number matches the pattern
#     m - it the message text matches the pattern
#     k - if the keyword matches the pattern. (The keyword is first word 
#         of the messages. The keyword is converted to uppercase)
# Action:
#     Each line contains an SQL command. Before the SQL commands: 
#     are executed on the database, the following words are replaced:
#     $originator - is replaced to the sender telephone number of the messages
#     $sender - is replaced to the sender telephone number of the messages 
#     (an alias for originator)
#     $recipient - is replaced to the telephone number that received the message 
#     $receiver - is replaced to the telephone number that received 
#     the messages (an alias for recipient)
#     $messagedata - is replaced to the message text
#     $keyword - is replaced to the keyword in the message
#     $after - is replaced to the message the message text after the keyword in the message
#     $senttime - is replaced to the timestamp, that represents when the message was sent
#     $receivedtime - is replaced to the timestamp, that represents when the message was received
#     $messagetype - is replaced to the message type (in most cases this will be SMS:TEXT)
#     $id - is replaced to the unique string identifier of the message
#     $operator - is replaced to the name of the service provider 
#     connection that received the message
# Response:
#     The SQL commands in the Action section can return one or more response messages. 
#     A response message is a row in the result set of the SQL select. A row in the result
#     set should contain the following columns:
#     recipient - The 1st column in the result set (Mandatory)
#     messageData - The 2nd column in the result set (Mandatory)
#     messageType - The 3rd column in the result set (Optional)
#     sender - The 4th column in the result set (Optional)
#     operatorNames - The 5th column in the result set (Optional)
# Comments:
#     The hashmark sign (#) marks a single line comment

#    The sender number starts with +44
#    One SQL statement is specified. Before the statement
#    is executed the word '$sender' is replaced to the
#    phone number of the person who sent the message to the
#    system.  

SELECT '$sender',messagetext FROM defaultresponse 

#    The message starts with the keyword: RED
#    Two SQL statements are executed, the first one
#    updates a database table, the second one returns a
#    response message

UPDATE stats SET incoming = incoming+1 WHERE keyword='RED'; 
SELECT '$sender',messagetext from defaultresponse where keyword='RED'

#    Message text contains the word ALERT
#    Many messages will be sent to the recipients stored in 
#    the alertrecipients database table

SELECT recipients,'Alert, somebody broke in!' FROM alertrecipients

#    All incoming messages (coming from any phone number)
#    Select a response based on keyword

SELECT '$sender',messagetext from keywordresponse where keyword='$keyword'
C:\Program Files\Ozeki\Ozeki10\Data\NG\config\TestApp\sqlscript.txt
Total number of lines: 93

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