Mobile Marketing Glossary

Welcome to the Ozeki SMS Gateway Mobile Marketing Glossary, your go-to resource for key mobile marketing terms. This glossary provides clear definitions and the significance of concepts. It helps marketers enhance engagement, optimize strategies, and drive conversions. Explore our terms to navigate the mobile marketing landscape and see how Ozeki's SMS gateway software can elevate your marketing efforts.


Aggregate Customer Data

Definition: Combined data from multiple sources to provide insights across a large number of users and apps.
Importance: Aggregated data offers a comprehensive view of performance trends and helps in making data-driven decisions for improving app strategies.

Alert SMS

Definition: SMS messages used to notify users about important events or updates, such as system alerts or service disruptions.
Importance: Ensures timely communication of critical information to users.


Definition: Tools and methods used to measure and analyse mobile app performance, user behaviour, and marketing effectiveness.
Importance: Provides insights into user engagement, retention, and conversion, enabling data-driven decisions.

Android SMS Gateway

Definition: A system or application that enables the sending and receiving of SMS messages through Android devices.
Importance: Provides a versatile solution for SMS communication, leveraging the capabilities of Android smartphones and tablets.

API Integration

Definition: The process of connecting SMS functionality with other systems or applications via APIs.
Importance: Enables seamless integration of SMS services into various platforms and workflows for enhanced functionality.

App Retention Rate

Definition: The percentage of users who continue to use an app over a specified period.
Importance: High retention rates suggest that users find the app valuable and engaging. It’s a key indicator of app success and user satisfaction.

App Store Optimization (ASO)

Definition: The process of improving the visibility and ranking of a mobile app within an app store’s search results.
Importance: Enhances app discoverability, increases organic downloads, and boosts app store rankings.

Attribution Models

Definition: Frameworks used to determine how credit for conversions is assigned to different marketing channels and touchpoints.
Importance: Provides insights into the effectiveness of various marketing efforts and helps optimize resource allocation.

Augmented Reality (AR) Marketing

Definition: The use of augmented reality technology to create interactive and immersive marketing experiences on mobile devices.
Importance: Enhances user engagement and provides innovative ways to showcase products or services.

Automated SMS

Definition: SMS messages that are sent automatically based on predefined rules or triggers.
Importance: Streamlines communication processes and ensures timely delivery of messages without manual intervention.


Beacon Technology

Definition: A proximity-based technology that uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to send messages to nearby mobile devices.
Importance: Enables location-specific marketing and personalized user experiences based on physical proximity.

Behavioural Targeting

Definition: A marketing technique that uses data on users' past behaviours to deliver personalized ads and content.
Importance: Increases the relevance of marketing messages and improves conversion rates by targeting users based on their actions.

Benchmark Data

Definition: Performance metrics used to compare an app’s engagement and performance against industry standards or competitors.
Importance: Benchmarks provide a reference point for assessing app performance and identifying areas for improvement or success relative to peers.

Bulk SMS

Definition: The process of sending a large volume of SMS messages to a list of recipients simultaneously.
Importance: Cost-effective and efficient method for reaching a broad audience with marketing promotions or announcements.

Business SMS Gateway

Definition: A gateway service that enables businesses to send and receive SMS messages for marketing, notifications, and customer interaction.
Importance: Facilitates effective SMS communication and management for businesses of all sizes.


Churn Rate

Definition: The percentage of users who stop using an app after a specific period, often calculated within the first week.
Importance: Understanding churn rate helps identify issues in user retention and engagement strategies. Lower churn rates indicate better user satisfaction and retention.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Definition: The ratio of users who click on a mobile ad or link compared to the total number of users who view the ad or link.
Importance: Measures the effectiveness of mobile ads and content in driving user engagement.

Contextual Advertising

Definition: Ads that are shown based on the content of the app or website the user is currently viewing.
Importance: Increases ad relevance and effectiveness by aligning ads with the content the user is engaged with.

Conversational SMS

Definition: SMS communication that simulates a conversation, allowing for dynamic and interactive interactions with users.
Importance: Improves user engagement by making communication more natural and responsive.

Conversion Rates

Definition: The percentage of users who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service, after receiving a push notification.
Importance: High conversion rates indicate that push notifications effectively drive user actions and achieve business objectives.

Corporate SMS Solution

Definition: Comprehensive SMS services tailored for corporate needs, including bulk messaging, alert systems, and more.
Importance: Supports business communications and marketing efforts with features suited for corporate environments.

Cross-Device Tracking

Definition: The practice of tracking and analysing user behaviour across multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
Importance: Provides a comprehensive view of user interactions and helps optimize marketing strategies across devices.

Mobile CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Definition: Tools and strategies used to manage and analyse customer interactions and data via mobile devices.
Importance: Enhances customer service, personalization, and engagement through mobile-optimized CRM solutions.


Data Privacy

Definition: Measures and practices to protect users' personal information and data collected through mobile devices.
Importance: Builds user trust and compliance with regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, by safeguarding sensitive information.

Design Principles

Definition: Best practices for designing user interfaces and experiences specifically for mobile devices.
Importance: Ensures that mobile apps and websites are user-friendly, efficient, and visually appealing, leading to higher user satisfaction.

Digital Business Card

Definition: A virtual version of a traditional business card, stored and shared electronically via mobile devices, emails, or QR codes. It typically includes essential contact information, such as name, title, company, phone number, email address, and social media links.
Importance: Digital business cards offer a convenient and eco-friendly way to share contact information and professional details. They can be easily updated and shared, making networking more efficient and reducing the need for physical cards.

Direct Open Rates

Definition: The percentage of push notifications that result in the app being opened by the user.
Importance: This metric helps measure the effectiveness of push notifications in driving app engagement. High direct open rates indicate that notifications are compelling and relevant to users.

Dynamic Content

Definition: Content that changes based on user behaviour, preferences, or demographic information.
Importance: Enhances user experience by delivering personalized and relevant content, increasing engagement and conversions.


E-Commerce SMS

Definition: SMS (Short Message Service) messages specifically designed for e-commerce businesses to communicate with customers. This can include order confirmations, shipping updates, promotional offers, and personalized recommendations sent via text message.
Importance: E-commerce SMS helps enhance the customer experience by providing timely updates and engaging users with relevant offers. It can improve order tracking, boost sales through targeted promotions, and increase customer satisfaction by keeping shoppers informed and connected throughout their purchasing journey.

Engagement Metrics

Definition: Measurements used to assess how effectively push notifications engage users, including direct open rates, conversions, and opt-outs.
Importance: These metrics help evaluate the effectiveness of push notifications and identify areas for optimization in user engagement strategies.

Enterprise SMS Gateway

Definition: A robust SMS gateway designed to meet the high-volume messaging needs of large organizations.
Importance: Ensures reliable and scalable SMS communication for enterprise-level applications.

Event Reminder SMS

Definition: SMS messages sent to remind users about upcoming events, appointments, or deadlines.
Importance: Helps ensure that users do not miss important events and improves attendance rates.

Excel SMS

Definition: Sending SMS messages using data imported from an Excel spreadsheet.
Importance: Simplifies the process of sending bulk messages based on organized data in spreadsheets.


Mobile Funnel

Definition: The series of steps a user takes on a mobile device from initial contact to conversion.
Importance: Understanding the mobile funnel helps optimize user journeys and improve conversion rates.



Definition: The integration of game-like elements and mechanics into non-game apps to increase user engagement and motivation.
Importance: Boosts user interaction and retention by making apps more engaging and rewarding.


Definition: A location-based marketing strategy that uses GPS or RFID to trigger notifications when users enter or exit a predefined geographic area.
Importance: Enables highly targeted promotions and notifications based on user location.


In-App Purchases (IAP)

Definition: Transactions made within a mobile app for additional features, content, or services.
Importance: Provides a revenue stream for app developers and offers users enhanced functionality or premium content.

Interactive Advertising

Definition: Ads that encourage user interaction, such as quizzes or games, to engage users more deeply.
Importance: Enhances user engagement and improves ad effectiveness by involving users in interactive experiences.


Landing Pages

Definition: Web pages designed specifically for mobile users, with a focus on conversion and user experience.
Importance: Enhances user experience by providing fast-loading, mobile-optimized content tailored to mobile devices.

Location-Based Marketing

Definition: Marketing strategies that use location data to target users with relevant offers and advertisements based on their geographic location.
Importance: Increases the relevance of marketing messages and enhances local business opportunities.


MMS Marketing

Definition: Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) used for sending rich media content such as images, audio, and video in marketing campaigns.
Importance: Enhances engagement by delivering multimedia content that captures user attention more effectively than plain text.

Mobile App Push Notifications

Definition: Messages sent directly to a user's smartphone lock screen or notification centre by a mobile app. They can include text, images, and actions.
Importance: They offer high visibility and direct engagement with users, as they appear on the lock screen and are not easily missed. This makes them a powerful tool for timely communication and driving user interaction.

Mobile Chat

Definition: A real-time communication feature that allows users to exchange messages via mobile devices through apps or integrated messaging services.
Importance: Mobile chat enhances user engagement by providing immediate, interactive communication. It is used for customer support, personal conversations, and in-app interactions, making it crucial for improving customer service, fostering relationships, and facilitating quick, efficient exchanges of information.

Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce)

Definition: The buying and selling of goods and services through mobile devices.
Importance: Represents a significant and growing segment of e-commerce, driven by mobile shopping trends.

Mobile Programmatic Advertising

Definition: Automated buying and selling of mobile ad inventory in real-time through programmatic platforms.
Importance: Enhances targeting efficiency and ad placement precision, maximizing ad spend effectiveness.

Mobile User Experience (UX)

Definition: The overall experience a user has when interacting with a mobile app or website, including design, functionality, and usability.
Importance: A good mobile UX is crucial for user satisfaction, retention, and positive reviews.

Mobile Video Advertising

Definition: The use of video content in mobile ads to engage users and promote products or services.
Importance: Captures user attention and drives higher engagement through visually compelling content.


Native Advertising

Definition: Ads that match the look and feel of the platform they appear on, providing a non-intrusive experience for users.
Importance: Enhances user engagement and effectiveness by blending seamlessly with the content.


Definition: Alerts or messages sent to users on their mobile devices to inform them of new content, updates, or promotions.
Importance: Keeps users informed and engaged with relevant content and offers.

Notification Response

Definition: How users interact with or respond to push notifications, such as opening the notification or taking a specific action.
Importance: Measuring notification response helps gauge the effectiveness of the content and timing of push notifications in engaging users.

Opt-In Rates

Definition: The percentage of users who agree to receive push notifications from an app.
Importance: Higher opt-in rates indicate user interest and willingness to receive updates, which is critical for the effectiveness of push notifications in engaging users.


Personalized SMS

Definition: SMS messages tailored to individual users based on their preferences, behaviour, or demographics.
Importance: Increases engagement and conversion rates by delivering relevant and targeted content to users.

Programmable SMS

Definition: SMS services that can be customized and controlled through programming interfaces and scripts.
Importance: Provides flexibility to integrate and automate SMS messaging within various applications and systems.

Promotional Notifications

Definition: Messages aimed at marketing or promoting products and services.
Importance: Promotional notifications drive user engagement with marketing content and can increase sales or user acquisition when done effectively.

Push Notifications

Definition: Messages sent by a mobile app to a user’s device to prompt re-engagement or deliver timely updates.
Importance: Effective for driving user re-engagement, increasing app usage, and delivering personalized content.


QR Code

Definition: A type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) that can be scanned by a mobile device to quickly access information or perform actions, such as visiting a website or downloading an app.
Importance: Facilitates easy and quick access to digital content or actions, bridging the gap between offline and online interactions.


Real-Time Bidding (RTB)

Definition: A form of programmatic advertising where ad inventory is bought and sold in real-time auctions.
Importance: Allows for precise targeting and efficient use of advertising budgets.

Responsive Design

Definition: An approach to web design that ensures a website adjusts seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices.
Importance: Improves user experience and accessibility across different devices, including mobile phones and tablets.


Definition: A strategy that involves showing ads to users who have previously interacted with a mobile app or website but did not complete a desired action.
Importance: Increases the likelihood of conversion by reminding users of their previous interactions.

Rich SMS

Definition: SMS messages that include rich media elements like images, links, or formatted text to create a more engaging experience.
Importance: Provides a more interactive and visually appealing way to convey promotional messages.


Scheduled SMS

Definition: SMS messages scheduled to be sent at a specific time or date in the future.
Importance: Allows businesses to plan and automate their messaging strategies for optimal timing and impact.

Sender ID Configurations

Definition: Settings that determine the sender information displayed to recipients of SMS messages.
Importance: Allows businesses to customize the sender ID for branding and identification purposes.

Short Codes

Definition: Short, easy-to-remember phone numbers used for sending and receiving SMS messages in marketing campaigns.
Importance: Simplifies user interaction and participation in mobile marketing initiatives, such as contests or subscriptions.

SMPP Gateways

Definition: Protocols and systems used for sending and receiving SMS messages over the Short Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP) protocol.
Importance: Facilitates high-volume and high-speed SMS messaging, commonly used by SMS aggregators and large enterprises.

SMS List Builder

Definition: A tool or process used to collect and manage a list of phone numbers from individuals who have opted in to receive SMS communications.
Importance: Facilitates the growth of an audience for SMS marketing campaigns by ensuring that messages are sent to recipients who have expressed interest, enhancing engagement and compliance with regulations.

SMS Marketing

Definition: The use of text messaging to communicate promotional messages or offers directly to users’ mobile devices.
Importance: Offers high open rates and immediacy, making it effective for time-sensitive promotions.

SMS Modems

Definition: Hardware devices that connect to computers and allow for the sending and receiving of SMS messages.
Importance: Provides a reliable and physical means for managing SMS communications in bulk or for specific applications.


Definition: A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) embedded within an SMS message, leading recipients to a specific web page or online resource when clicked.
Importance: SMS URLs enable businesses to drive traffic to websites, landing pages, or promotional content directly from text messages. This can enhance the effectiveness of SMS marketing campaigns by providing easy access to additional information, offers, or actions, such as completing a purchase or filling out a form.

Social Media Marketing

Definition: The use of social media platforms to promote products, services, or brands to mobile users.
Importance: Leverages the popularity of social media to reach and engage a broad audience.

Survey SMS

Definition: SMS messages used to conduct surveys or gather feedback from users.
Importance: Enables businesses to collect valuable insights from customers in a quick and efficient manner.


Targeted Advertising

Definition: Ads that are specifically designed and delivered based on user demographics, interests, or behaviour.
Importance: Increases ad relevance and effectiveness by reaching users who are more likely to be interested in the product or service.

Targeting Precision

Definition: The accuracy with which push notifications are directed towards specific user segments.
Importance: High targeting precision ensures that notifications are relevant to users, increasing engagement rates and reducing spam perceptions.

Text Marketing

Definition: A form of direct marketing that uses SMS (Short Message Service) to send promotional messages, offers, or updates to customers on their mobile phones.
Importance: Text marketing is known for its high open rates and immediacy, making it an effective way to reach and engage with a target audience. It helps businesses deliver time-sensitive information, boost customer loyalty, and drive conversions through concise and actionable messages.

Transactional SMS

Definition: SMS messages sent to users to confirm or provide information about a transaction, such as purchase confirmations or shipping updates.
Importance: Enhances user experience by providing timely and relevant information about their transactions.

Two-Way SMS

Definition: SMS communication that allows for both sending and receiving messages between users and businesses.
Importance: Facilitates interactive and responsive communication, enabling businesses to engage in conversations with their audience.


User Acquisition

Definition: The process of gaining new users or customers for a mobile app or service.
Importance: Essential for app growth and involves various strategies to attract and convert new users.

User Retention

Definition: Strategies and practices aimed at keeping users engaged and active within a mobile app or service over time.
Importance: Helps maintain a loyal user base and maximizes the long-term value of users.



Definition: Different categories or sectors analysed for push notification performance, such as Finance, Education, and Media.
Importance: Understanding performance across different verticals helps tailor strategies specific to industry needs and benchmarks.

Video Content

Definition: Multimedia content that involves moving images and sound, used in mobile marketing to engage users.
Importance: Captures user attention and provides a dynamic way to convey marketing messages and product information.


Definition: The measure of whether an ad is actually seen by users, based on its placement and visibility on mobile devices.
Importance: Ensures that advertising dollars are spent on ads that users have the opportunity to see, improving campaign effectiveness.

Voice SMS

Definition: Recorded voice messages sent via SMS to deliver personalized messages or greetings.
Importance: Adds a personal touch to communications and can be used for important announcements or confirmations.


Ozeki SMS Gateway Mobile Marketing Glossary offers essential terms and insights to enhance your marketing strategies. Utilize these concepts with Ozeki's reliable SMS gateway software to boost engagement and drive conversions. Explore the glossary to optimize your mobile marketing efforts effectively.

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