How to send SMS from Oracle

Here you can see how to send SMS text messages from Oracle Express with your Ozeki SMS Gateway, which you have probably already downloaded and installed. This tutorial shows you a solution on how to configure Ozeki SMS Gateway to detect and send outgoing messages from your database to any mobile phone. You can find a detailed configuration instruction on this page with screenshots that will help you.

Ozeki SMS Gateway is a powerful SMS gateway software that allows two-way SMS message communication from mobile phones to PC and vice versa. The messages can be stored on a database, such as an Oracle Server.

In this tutorial, you will create an 'ozekimessagein' and 'ozekimessageout' table, but you could give them any name you would like. The only thing is that you need to keep in mind the table names. Ozeki SMS gateway will use SQL queries on the 'ozekimessageout' table to send message.

You can connect Ozeki SMS Gateway to the GSM network in two way:

  1. A hardware solution: Mobile phone or GSM modem connection to PC
  2. A software solution: IP SMS Service Provider over the internet (SMPP, CIMD, UCP/EMI)

Here you can read how to configure Ozeki SMS Gateway with browser GUI.

Step 1 - Configure the Oracle database

The first step of this guide is to configure an Oracle database. For that, first, you need to install Oracle to your computer and log into the server's web interface (Figure 1).

log into oracle
Figure 1 - Log into Oracle

In the main menu of the Oracle Database Express application, you need to select the SQL option the configure the Oracle database, so just click on its icon as you can see it in Figure 2.

click on sql
Figure 2 - Click on 'SQL'

Next, you need to click on the 'SQL Commands' as Figure 3 demonstrates it to be able to execute SQL commands in your Oracle database.

click on sql commands
Figure 3 - Click on 'SQL Commands'

Please copy-paste the following SQL statements to create the table layouts (Figure 4-11).

CREATE TABLE ozekimessagein (
id int,
sender varchar(255) default NULL,
receiver varchar(255) default NULL,
msg varchar(160) default NULL,
senttime varchar(100) default NULL,
receivedtime varchar(100) default NULL,
operator varchar(120) default NULL,
msgtype varchar(160) default NULL,
reference varchar(100) default NULL

copy paste create table statement
Figure 4 - Copy-paste CREATE TABLE statement

CREATE INDEX index_id1
ON ozekimessagein(id)

copy paste create index statement
Figure 5 - Copy-paste CREATE INDEX statement


copy paste create sequence statement
Figure 6 - Copy-paste CREATE SEQUENCE statement

CREATE TRIGGER ozekimessagein_auto 
BEFORE INSERT on ozekimessagein
for each row
when ( is null)

copy paste create trigger statement
Figure 7 - Copy-paste CREATE TRIGGER statement

CREATE TABLE ozekimessageout (
id int,
sender varchar(255) default NULL,
receiver varchar(255) default NULL,
msg varchar(160) default NULL,
senttime varchar(100) default NULL,
receivedtime varchar(100) default NULL,
operator varchar(120) default NULL,
msgtype varchar(160) default NULL,
reference varchar(100) default NULL,
status varchar(20) default NULL,
errormsg varchar(250) default NULL

copy paste create table statement
Figure 8 - Copy-paste CREATE TABLE statement

CREATE INDEX index_id2
ON ozekimessageout(id)!

copy paste create index statement
Figure 9 - Copy-paste CREATE INDEX statement


copy paste create sequence statement
Figure 10 - Copy-paste CREATE SEQUENCE statement

CREATE TRIGGER ozekimessageout_auto 
BEFORE INSERT on ozekimessageout
for each row
when ( is null)

copy paste create trigger statement
Figure 11 - Copy-paste CREATE TRIGGER statement

Congratulations! You have finished creating your database structure.

Step 2 - Create the Oracle database connection

The next step of the guide is to create the Oracle database connection which can connect to the database and handle its tables. For that, open SMS Gateway and first, select the Apps menu from the toolbar. In this menu, you need to scroll down to the 'Application interfaces' section, and here, like in Figure 12, just click on the install button of 'SQL messaging'.

click add new user or application
Figure 12 - Click 'Add new user or application...'

The 'SQL messaging' menu contains all types of database connections available in SMS Gateway. Now, to be able to connect to your Oracle database and its tables, just click on the Install button of the Oracle database connection as you can see it in Figure 13.

click on the install button next to the database user
Figure 13 - Click on the 'install' button next to 'Database' user

Next, you need to provide some details to be able to connect to the database successfully. First, just give a name to the connection. After that, as in Figure 14, provide the details of the Oracle database. The 'Data source' id the IP address of the place where you installed the database. If it is on the same computer, you can type '' in this field. The 'User id' and 'Password' fields should represent your Oracle database user account. If you finished, you could just click OK.

provide a name for your database user
Figure 14 - Provide a name for your Database User

Step 3 - Send a test SMS

To test the database connection and the database itself, just open the created Oracle database connection. Here, you can see the SQL tab (Figure 15) where you can write the SQL commands that you want to execute. So, just copy-paste the SQL command below, write a valid phone number as a value and click 'Execute' to test the connection.

INSERT INTO ozekimessageout 
(receiver, msg, status) 

execute the insert statement to create a new message record
Figure 15 - Execute the INSERT statement to create a new message record

The Oracle database connection is capable of reading the rows of the create tables, and if it detects a new message, it sends the message to the phone number that you provided as a value. Then, the message stored in the Sent folder of the connection as you can see it in Figure 16.

message placed into the sent folder
Figure 16 - Message have been placed into the 'Sent' folder

You can check every message in the 'ozekimessageout' table by executing the SQL query below. This command lists every message with all its details like the phone number of the recipient, the message and the status of the message as Figure 17 demonstrates it.

SELECT * FROM ozekimessageout

the status of the message is sent
Figure 17 - The STATUS of the message is 'sent'

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