WhatsApp Connection features

Supported WhatsApp message types

- text messages (send,receive)
- media messages: image, video, audio, document, and sticker messages (receive only)
- contact messages (receive only)
- location messages (receive only)
- interactive messages: list messages, reply button messages, and single and multi product messages (not supported)
- template messages (supported)
- reaction messages (not supported)
- unknown messages (logged)
- product inquiery messages (not supported)
- order messages (not supported)
- user changed number notification (not supported)

Supported WhatsApp message states

- deleted (not supported)
- delivered (supported)
- failed (supported)
- read (supported)
- sent (supported)
- warning (logged)
- unknown (logged)

WhatsApp config form

- media message content can be configured to be downloaded into local cache
- on successful media content download, the content can be deleted from whatsapp servers
- incoming messages can be configured to be signaled as read
- default template can be configured
- 24-hour customer service window check can be disabled (advanced)
- cache / cleanup configuration (advanced)
- downloaded media content cleanup (advanced)

Automated WhatsApp features

- Phone number ID lookup
- WABA subscribe/unsubscribe

Required WhatsApp configuration

- setup the callback URL-t in the WhatsApp product
- configure the webhook message field

More information